Angular 2 Tutorial (2016) - Pipes

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Angular 2 Tutorial on how to use Angular 2 Pipes to transform and manipulate template output. Covers stateful (async) as well as stateless Pipes.

Get into developing Angular 2 applications instantly! Please share, like and comment if you like the video!

This course will teach you all the fundamentals of the current Angular 2 Beta and will prepare you to write actual Angular 2 web applications.

We will cover Directives, Components, Template Syntax, Two-Way-Data Binding, Services, HTTP (GET and POST) and much more!

Have fun and please leave a like or comment if you like (or dislike) this video or this series!
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Seriously, the best Angular 2 course so far!! Amazing explanation!


Great video and excellent presentation skill.

Not sure if these are coming up in future videos, but thought I would ask:

- How to map JSON from/to RESTful service to/from the fields on the form.
- How to dynamically create routes. My menu is created from a database.
- Best practice to handle multi-language form labels.

Thanks again for the fantastic series!


Hi @Mindspace, this video gives me more knowledge on pipes. But I have search a lot in internet about to filter data using date with the last 3 months or 6 months. Is it possible to use custom pipe or we need write function to manipulate data by using date. Please share us idea about how to filter particular data range from using date type. Thanks in advance.


Hi again Max: Thanks for this another good tutorial. Casually do you know how to put de EUR symbol after number with currency pipe? Or if I use this pipe only can put symbol at begin?


what about pipe chaining? for example, I want a currency pipe and async pipe together. E.g. A promise which returns price data?


Great course Maximilian! Just now diceded to enroll to your Udemy course. Hope it's cool as the Youtube preview ))


is there any change to get full of this code ?


Just one improvement of your video: Once place you wrote for datepipe: 'y-m-d'. It did not work properly, because here 'm' should be capital. The pipe should be 'y-M-d'.
