Python Pandas Tutorial - Combining Dataframes Using Pandas

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Welcome back to week 6 of Pandas Zero to Hero, a video series where I teach beginner-friendly techniques of using pandas. This will be the very last video of this video series.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to combine data frames using two pandas functions, concat and merge.

When working on a data science or machine learning project, oftentimes, you will be working with more than one dataset. Hence, it is important that you know how to merge different data frames together to have a better view and understanding of your data. The two main functions for combining data frames in pandas are the concat and merge function.

Concat is short for concatenate which enables you to stack two separate data frames together either vertically or horizontally.

Merge, on the other hand, helps merge two data frames together based on shared columns. In the video, I demonstrate the concept of merge via two sample data frames, sales transactions and customer profile of a retail store.

I hope you will find value in this week's tutorial and I just want to say thank you if you have been following this video series along. It would also mean a lot to me if you could drop a like on the video and subscribe to my channel. It will greatly help the channel grow and help more people who are also learning data science.

Feel free to let me know what type of content you would like to see next and I can't wait to see you in my next video - take care!

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