Is this a spirit accidentally caught on camera? I could not explain this.

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For those of you saying you wish I had something on video , well here it is. Something showed up on one of my videos, let's discuss the possibilities of what this was, angel, a supernatural entity, or...?
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I saw it. I’m guessing an orb.
There was something coming up through the bottom right side of the screen and then curved off to the right.


I would love to see it but unfortunately I didn't see it.
When my Mom passed, my sisters and I were in her room, and no one saw what I saw, but I actually saw an orb. But it was bright, almost silver, and it hovered, then moved quite fast. That was 16 years ago, and today I still wonder what was in my Mom's room. I wasn't scared. It was beautiful. I felt a sense of peace and wondered if loved ones came to escort her. It was a beautiful time. You never get over the loss of a loved one. You just learn to live with it.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I truly enjoy them.


Looks like an orb to me, maybe it was your dad coming to say hi and I love you. I think that's pretty cool. :) I had a paranormal experience with my dog that passed away in 2019, she had a tumor by her heart that was cancer. Last year on Aug 26, 2023 was Zelda's four year anniversary of her passing. I thought about her that day but my husband didn't remember when I told him. I went to bed that night, I put my iphone on the charger. I got up before midnight I had to let my dog out. I came back in but I couldn't go back to sleep so I went to my iphone to open it and to my surprise there was a picture of my dog Zelda. I wanted to listen to a story here on YT maybe I would fall back to sleep. I had a picture of my other dog and that picture was gone. The picture of my dead dog appeared on my phone. I was sitting in my room in the dark my husband was asleep and the other two dogs were too. I felt Zelda's presence in the room with me saying in my head, I love you, I am okay don't worry about me. I still have her picture on my phone today. I looked everywhere in my settings on my wallpaper and there is no picture of her anywhere. So I think she came to see me to let me know that she is okay because I was very mad with her vet about her passing. I think she was telling me to let go of my anger and I did.


The Bible tells us clearly. We are in a spiritual world! Definitely saw it.


It might be a sprite. A form of electrical discharge that sometimes is emitted upwards. Usually, they occur in thunderstorms, but my understanding of the phenomena leads me to believe that it's possible to have smaller ones closer to the ground. Search "sprites, elves, and blue jets"
The reason I believe smaller sprites in the lower atmosphere are possible are a few. 1) Lighting can actually travel from the ground up to the sky. Sometimes, as in sheet lighting, it occurs across the sky instead of appearing to strike the earth. 2) If a person has high kinetic energy, works around electronics, and wears polyester, sprites are possible and highly likely to occur. Personally, I melted three micro SD cards in three phones this way. I believe in spirits as well, but the colors in this event lead me to believe it's electrical. 3) Its colors are a pinkish red center and a green outer with tendrils beneath.


I think it was a spirit watching over you. that spirit could be your Dad, or guardian Angel, as I can see you have a very bright energy around you. You are such a good person and your name is in the Lamb's book of Life. God Bless.


I'm constantly seeing things like this sometimes out 9f the corner of my eye or directly - Smokey type shadow clouds that disappear- wavy heat like distortion when there are no heat sources and 3xtremly localized space - balls of light floating in the air - there was " nothing wrong " with me so I've just gotten used to it - rather made myself get used to it - love the channel and how you have opened up to us about your extraordinary experiences - excellent work and look forward to you next post


Angels were around my mom's ICU room. I was standing by her bed. My niece asked who are all the doctors around granny and auntie. I told her they are angels. For one there were no doctors in the room Just mom, me, her and my brother.


I saw it. You see them in those ghost hunter shows whey they say they saw something and were able to record it. Or, when they record a voice on their voice boxes when they hear spirit say something.

If you weren’t harmed I’d say no big deal.

I do believe spirits are all around us. I do believe mediums and another “place” after we leave here.


I'm sorry I didn't see it, but I just want to say thank you. I recently started seeing your videos & I love your energy & your personality, & I have same beliefs as you. 😊


Just recently came across your videos. You are so bubbly and cute. Luv your haircut.


A compression artifact (or artefact) is a noticeable distortion of media (including images,  audio, and video) caused by the application of lossy compression. Video compression artifacts can sometimes appear as moving shadows. Compression artifacts are distortions that occur when a video is compressed to reduce file size. Common types of artifacts include blockiness, blurring, banding, and ghosting. These can manifest as unintended visual elements that move or change shape along with the actual content.


This may be the strangest submission you have ever had; however it proves to me, and my wife, the existence of the spiritual world. By the way, I am a retired theoretical physicist- and up to this time was a materialist. No longer. We have a large house, and about ten years ago adapted one of the rooms as a “bird rehabilitation sanctuary” where we kept injured birds. At this time, we had 31 birds, most free to fly.This room had two doors, one opening to an outside porch. At the time of this strange event, it was about two AM. We are both sound asleep. All of a sudden, this very deep, booming, voice rang out, “the bird room door is open!” I woke, and raising up, woke my wife. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I replied, “did you hear that?” She did not. Then again, even louder, “the bird room door is open!” She did not hear that either! I ran down stairs. The outside door had blown open. Two birds had escaped, most likely to perish. If not for the voice, many more would have escaped.


I saw a light, twisting mist in front of the shadow on the wall. It’s very brief, so I had to slow my playback speed to get a better look.


Hi Andrea! I just wanted to tell you (again) that I really enjoy your videos, specially now I am currently alone at home because of my husband's job and the house feel quite empty. So watching your videos makes me feel like if I was with an old friend that I know for years.
Keep telling us stories! 😀 🙂


YOU TUBE has NOT processed this into HD..the quality of what I see is not the same on you tube, I may have to just delete this video if most of you cannot see this.


I see a tiny, tiny orb. The pictures I have where spirits appear all look like white smoke.


I see what you’re talking about. Definitely NOT an orb. IT Looks misty like. Looking forward to seeing it in HD. Good catch when you looked back at the video.


I could not see anything at all, except possibly a shadow on the wall.


Didn’t see the phenomenon you refer to. Too shocked by your hair in that video. YIKES. You have come a long way and so has your hair-Thank God!
