Trying the Canon AE-1 Program Film SLR. Anyone else used this camera?

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Get ready for some film photography fun!
In today's video, I'm taking the iconic Canon AE-1 Program out for a spin at a beautiful farm.
I'll be walking you through the camera's features, sharing tips on shooting with film, and of course,
capturing some gorgeous farm machinery.
If you're into vintage cameras or just love the look of film photography, this video is for you!

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NEEWER LED PANELS, GVM COLOUR PANELS, Valoi 360 Film Holder Colbor 100X Light, Colbor 220 Light


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I’ve got an A1, a couple of AE1s, and an AE1 program, plus a Canon F1. I love all of these film cameras. The only minus is the melting foam light seals.


I gave my cannon Ae1 to a friend learning photography i sure do miss it


I bought one in 1983 when I was 18. It taught me a lot about film photography. $229 with 50mm 1.8. For three years I took it everywhere. When I upgraded to a F1 New AE I gave it to my sister who dropped it crushing the prism. I bought a used model five years ago to have fun with.


My first manual focus camera was an AE-1 (not program), and I still love it now. With regards to the cough, that is curable with a little bit of work and a syringe with a really long needle and some sewing machine oil. I had to do that with my A1, and its worked a treat.


My primary 35mm camera is a canon F-1, but I got my wife an AE-1P as she loves film but isn't too into all the manual stuff, and means she can share my FD lenses. She loves it and I'm impressed with it too, the meter has always been really reliable even in challenging lighting 🙂


If that Canon Cough is NOT done the shutter will JAM UP -- then Camera Scrap ! I did mine in the Gift A-1 and a bought AE-1 which developed it . Also the foam LIGHT seal material goes ROTTEN after all that time so I did mine with a sheet of 85P foam from Crafty Arts in Romford. ALSO any type of 'AUTO EXPOSURE' needs the snapper to THINK about the overall amount of TONES in subject before snapping and use the Exposure Compensation Dial - a bit MORE for very LIGHT tones or if you have a white SKY in snap and a bit LESS if snapping such things as dark Tyres in the Farm !


I just got mine in the mail yesterday, and absolutely adore the thing. Looking forward to much black & white film play.


I served in nuclear fast attack submarines in the 80s and our ships camera that we used for everything, including attaching it to our periscopes was a Canon AE1. My personal SLR was a Yashica because thats what our submarine tender ships stor was selling. My all-time favorite SLR was a K1000 with a 50mm prime. I am sure you know who made the K1000. My very favorite camera now is my Lumix g100 with a 7Artisans 35mm 1:1.2 prime.


I have 4 of these - have carried one thru Europe, Japan and across Australia. I only once used a Program mode much preferring fully manual functionality - fabulous cameras. Often used a 300mm tele with Illford Delta 3200 in blues clubs and pubs here in Melbourne. The 35-105 Macro lens is my go-to shooter.


I had an AE-1 Program. Great camera with always reliable metering. It replaced my old FTB and I had several FD lenses. I eventually switched to Nikon so I could share lenses between my film and DSLR cameras. I love my Nikon cameras and lenses now but will always have a soft spot for the old Canons.


I have one and love it. My son has 2 of them!!!


I purchased a Canon A1 back in 82 or 83, I have had it ever since with 1.8 50mm, 1.4 50mm, 1.8 28mm, 1.8 24mm, 2.8 135mm and 2.8 70-210, Canon's flash gun I think A 188, Canon camera release. It has had new foam seals all around but otherwise works fine. and no it's not up for sale.


I still have mine from 40 years ago. I have the A-1 too


I don't understand what people have against shutter priority. You can choose any aperture by adjusting the shutter speed. With shutter priority, you can see your hand held shutter limits with any given lens. I don't go longer than 1/60 sec. with a 50mm lens or wider and 1/250 sec. with my 70-210mm zoom when I'm zoomed all the way. Good luck shooting F22 at 1/2 sec hand held. Unless of course you prefer the look of camera shake. You can do any aperture/shutter combination with a tripod, but hand held you're limited by shutter speed.


I used one for many years when I was trying to work professionally. It served me well until it was stolen. I recently acquired another, and the first snap of the shutter literally made me cry. These are among the best “amateur” 35mm SLR cameras ever made.


The Canon AE1 Program was my first camera. It was given to me by a friend in 2000. I LOVE that camera! I also have a Canon AE1, and a small smattering of other cameras as well. I was thinking of doing a youtube video showing my cameras. I know there are thousands of shutterbugs doing the same but I figured it would be nice to be able to show you and a couple others my collection and Peace and Sanity


AE1P is awesome! I’ve had my black version since 2015 or 2016. I had the silver version but traded it for the black version when I was stationed in Korea. It’s been my go-to since. It’s never let me down and have had it serviced once for the squeal issue. I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of it, thinking about it just makes me sad haha


AE-1 Program and a Yashica Electro 35 is what I have. I use the Canon most. I'm still figuring out photography so Program mode is really nice. I also like that the AE-1 Program can be used in manual, aperture or shutter priority making this an extremely versatile camera that can be used by amateurs in all skill sets.


The Canon A series were some of the best cameras ever made and my personal favorite is the AT-1, which is the full manual match needle version.
At that time, in the 70's and 80's, they were in a race with Nikon (and to a lesser extent, the 2nd tier companies, like Pentax). And competition is always good for the consumer.
The A series uses FD lenses, so you have a wide selection of quality glass.
I'll stop rambling on. Thanks Rog for the enjoyable video.


Never had the Program version. I went from the AE-1 to an A1. Still have both, as well as a T90, all of which use the FD lens mount system, which meant I didn't have to invest in a new lens system.
