Arduino graphing an analog value on TFT Display

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I am using the Arduino to read an analog voltage from a potentiometer using the A to D converter. I am then graphing the values on the TFT Display shield in real time.
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To the poster of this: Great work and thanks for the inspiration! This looks great for the slow hardware you used... 7 years ago. I'm on ESP32 today.

To the code beggars:
I understand why the coder would keep the code to themselves. Lots of people are doing this to try to make money. I decided years ago to never beg for code and try to do it myself. Just watching this video should give you all the inspiration and enough clues to do it yourself. Lots of people are also in school trying to make something impressive for class, but some people just like to cheat by using other people's work. I used to give code more freely, but most of the people I've given to won't even say thank you. It always feels better to figure things out on my own as a sense of accomplishment. You all should try it yourself instead of judging the poster (who may have spent forever trying to code the thing). Open source doesn't mean that the code YOU make is free to all. It refers to the hardware on the prototyping board used (in this case, an Arduino Mega).

Hint. Use an array[length of graphing area] to draw pixels while shifting the array upward with a for loop and adding a new value to array[0]. Only minor math and a few lines of code. Use the map() and constrain() functions to keep the data within the bounds of the graph area. Good luck.


would you be willing to post your code


Love these unhelpful videos that do say anything about what you did or how . Why even put it out there


only scrolling graph plotter on a TFT display ive seen- no code lol


nice work but without code its just an exercise in ego lol
