Why are America and Britain helping Israel? | Dr Israr Ahmed | Pakistan Travel

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Why are America and Britain helping Israel? | Dr Israr Ahmed | Pakistan Travel

Dr. Israr Ahmed, a prominent Islamic scholar and thinker, often delved into geopolitical analyses with a focus on Muslim-majority nations. In his discourse on why America and Britain support Israel, he likely emphasized historical alliances, strategic interests, and political dynamics.

Dr. Ahmed might explain that the support for Israel from these Western powers dates back to the post-World War II era when Israel was established as a nation-state. Both America and Britain viewed Israel as a key ally in the Middle East, strategically positioned to safeguard Western interests and influence in the region.

He would likely highlight the significant military and economic aid provided by these nations to Israel, reinforcing its military prowess and ensuring its stability in a volatile region. This support, Dr. Ahmed might argue, serves to maintain a balance of power in the Middle East favorable to Western interests.

Furthermore, Dr. Israr Ahmed might discuss the influence of domestic politics, particularly in the United States, where support for Israel has deep roots due to religious, cultural, and lobbying factors. Politicians in America often align themselves with pro-Israel policies to secure electoral support and maintain strong ties with influential interest groups.

Overall, Dr. Israr Ahmed's analysis would likely underscore the complex interplay of historical, strategic, and domestic factors driving America and Britain's support for Israel, offering insights into the broader geopolitical landscape of the Middle East.

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