How Our Ancestors had WHITE TEETH with no Toothbrush? — They Used Chewing Sticks

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Orthotropics, founded by Dr. John Mew, is a branch of orthodontics focused on guiding natural facial growth for optimal function and aesthetics. "Mewing," a related technique, is also attributed to the Mew family.


0:00 - Intro
1:39 - How our Diet Ruined our Teeth?
3:44 - The first Oral & Dental Practices
6:32 - How Nomadic & Ancient Societies treated Teeth?
8:09 - Evidence of Miswak Chewing Sticks
11:51 - Conclusion

#mewing #dentist #orthodontist #beauty #jawline
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In saudi arabia, we still use this tool since more than 1400 years, it's called Miswak. It's a teeth-cleaning twig made from the Salvadora persica tree


Hey everybody!! It looks like Dr. Mike Mew has gotten the upper hand in the court cáse!! ❤🎉


I hate that this is a controversial topic. The powers that be are trying to divide humans in every sector of society, and we must fight against that.


The history of sugar reminds me of the history of cocaine.


I'm from Mongolia. I grew up in a city, but there are people who still live as nomads in the countryside. When I was traveling through the countryside I saw a 80 year old man with teeth like a hollywood star and he had never brushed his teeth. I couldn't believe at first, then I didn't understand how until recently. It was his diet.


"When science innovates, tradition evolves."

~Dr.Mike Mew


Neem tree sticks are still used very much in India. And those who use it have great dental status.


At the age of 12, my family moved to city. Before that we used to live at our home village with our joint family. I used to brush my teeth with a small branch of neem (margosa) tree. I will say it was 100x better than modern day plastic brushes. It always kept my teeth super clean and healthy and No one in my family ever faced any dental problem whereas in current days dental problems are very common among todays children.

Edit, Note: This neem tree can be easily found in all the countries of Indian Sub-continent.


“Looking back is the best way to move forward” love that!


These miswak sticks are used by Muslims around the world, I over did it and needed fillings from over scrubbing. You need to soak the sticks really well to soften them up. We use rose water. I was amazed when I moved to Saudi Arabia the great teeth people have here especially in rural areas. People still eat traditional foods - fresh organic dates, camel and goat milk, ghee, millet, camel meat, goat meat, raw vegetables, honey, black seeds/black seed oil, a lot of herbs and spices. They drink coffee like fish drink water but the coffee here is different, its yellow, lightly roasted which they believe is an anti oxidant and anti parasitic. People spend a lot of time out doors, chew frankincense resin and also eat an array of fresh fruits - pomelos, watermelon, pomegranates, figs, grapes. They wash their mouths before and after eating, before praying 5 times a day. There are miswak bushes all over the place, the smell of the surrounding sand is incredible. They would laugh their asses off at hearing about fluoridated miswak, they wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. BTW the people of the region especially the women are abundant in breath taking beauty.


Bro is 100% jaw building and 0% body building


Killing it with the content lately Dr. Mew 🔥🔥🔥 love it !!


7:00 We still use these methods here in our culture! I personally don’t even use toothbrush or any commercial chemical ridden toothpaste, instead I use Neem tree which is native to the land I live in! I would rather trust my ancestors than these “professional” doctors, my great grandfather had perfectly white and straight teeth and never lost any of his teeth till his death at the age 95.


Chewing small bones remove plaque and remineralize teeth pretty effectively.


Dr Anthony Chaffee and Dr Shawn Baker and Dr Mew should have a conversation one day. Thank you for all that you guys do!


After I stopped using toothpaste, and started using the Miswak only. I have noticed that my dreams at night were much more clear and much more long, I have a very long dream to the point where I feel like I’ve watched a whole Netflix show. My teeth health hasn’t changed or might have slightly improved.

Edit: also very long DejaVus, usually a dejafu is one frame, but nowadays my dejavus feel like a 10 second clip, seriously!


This will sound strange, but I've never developed stained teeth from 20 years of smoking. I rarely brush my teeth, and if I do, I either use a natural toothpaste from a farm or even ground tourmaline. I might have flossed once 30 years ago. My teeth are sturdy and I have no problems chewing cartilage and ice cubes. I rather enjoy eating these things. I hated the taste of flouride as a child. I might have seen a dentist twice in the past 30 years.

The last time I saw a dentist, perhaps 10 years ago, the staff was frustrated with me. They asked me why nothing was wrong with my teeth and the best I could tell them is, "I don't eat American food." The dentist was an Indian man, so though he was confused, he wasn't bothered -- I imagine because there are Indians with fantastic teeth that also don't go to the dentist. So he just cleaned a few spots and I was done.

But the head nurse lady was pissed. She kept hassling me to buy some kind of super tooth brush. Then she tried coercing me into having all four of my wisdom teeth removed FOR NO REASON.

I have no clue why my teeth are healthy. (I've met 40 year old Americans WHO CAN'T EAT APPLES.) As far as bad breath from cigarettes, I just drink a lot of hot tea, and there isn't any smell.

I owe Dr. Mew a lifetime debt for teaching me mewing. I fixed my underbite in a year, and now people think I've had work done. Not just tooth work, even face work! Thanks for life, Dr. Mew!


I'm from India. In my village we still used miswak of neem tree!


wish you all the best for all the work that you do. The Mews will go down in history for doing the right thing.


Yas that's how you can grow in youtube ( consistency + quality )
