Understanding Redis Pub/Sub (Getting Started)
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Let's go through Pub/Sub in Redis and understanding its particularities and how to easily get started.
00:00 Teaser
00:22 Pub/Sub in a Nutshell
01:20 Pub/Sub In Redis
02:08 Synchronous Communication
3:34 Fan Out Only
4:00 Hands On
8:35 Conclusion
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00:00 Teaser
00:22 Pub/Sub in a Nutshell
01:20 Pub/Sub In Redis
02:08 Synchronous Communication
3:34 Fan Out Only
4:00 Hands On
8:35 Conclusion
The content of this video is also available as a Medium article:
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Or sending me BitCoin: bc1qvdku97kg9gykg833zfvun3mjv4c6r2fl7ut4tl
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