IN DEPTH BOOK REVIEW Tess of the durbevilles Classic Books Explained

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An in depth book review of Tess of the durbevilles, by Thomas Hardy. This is part of a series called Classic Books Explained.

Lots of people want to begin understanding classic books and this channel focuses on in depth book reviews and in depth book analysis.

In this video you will find an a Tess of the Durbevilles in depth review. What was Thomas Hardy trying to achieve in this story? Is there an underlying idea which is being explored?

The book seems to be exploring why there is suffering in the world and where the solutions lie. Or, in fact, are there any reasonable answers to life's troubling nature?

If you want to see more classic books reviewed in depth then please make sure to subscribe and leave a comment on what classic literature you would like to see reviewed here.

I wish you joy in your reading.

Рекомендации по теме

I'm a bit late to the party (having only relatively recently discovered your channel and am slowly working my way through your superb videos) but I have to say this is one of the best, and most passionate, discussions of 'Tess' that I've come across. Thank you for sharing - it most definitely deserves wider circulation.


This book is very special to me. In some ways, it affected the course of my own life. I even wrote a song about it, called "Forever Yours" which concentrated on when Tess had been abandoned by Angel, yet she loves him and yearns for him to return to her. What broke me was, when she asked Angel if they would meet again in heaven, he couldn't answer her, he only kissed her instead of replying. She said, "I fear that means no!" and she had such faith and respect for Angel's opinion that she believed him, against her own faith, and all the teachings of the church throughout her life.


I remember Thomas Hardy because in high school I took on his books and his themes as my topic. My teacher told me with my temperament she would advise me to choose another author. She was probably right because after reading Jude the Obscure, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, and one other I cannot remember, plus Cakes and Ale by Somerset Maugham because she said it was a shadow of Hardy's life. I was depressed after writing that paper. It was my twelfth grade paper and counted a third of my grade. I must have done alright because the only thing I remember is the bout of depression that followed it. I don't think you are really interested in all that but I just wanted to say thank you for your in depth reviews. It gives me a chance to relive my teens back in the dark ages 60 years ago. So, thank you. I truly enjoy your posts.


These feel kind of like a nice podcast that I can either have on while I do something else or just sit and watch. I hope the amount of content you’ve planned doesn’t burn you out. =)


I read "Tess" as a freshman in high school. I thought of her as my big sister, my mentor, my cautionary tale, my spiritual superior. She remained so lofty in her degradation and I was so imbued with her by the end that I had no trouble understanding the symbolism of her sacrifice, an aspect lost on the other kids. I remember being very cross with my cousin when he fired off some harsh modern criticism of the novel and of Hardy's treatment of his heroines generally. I suppose it's a case of the right book at the right time, but even now Tess occupies for me a category all her own.


Thank you for skillfully but gently opening these important and great thoughts!


I'd never read this book before, but I think I will now. The part with the slug slime and madder stains, the description that I found weirdly pleasant. The idea that "Society makes people appear ugly when all they are is natural." I felt a tingling in my limbs and a prick of tears.


I just finished Tess of the D'Ubervilles. I agree with your synopsis and wish I had formulated the thoughts while reading the book. One thing that struck me throughout the book was Hardy's unique style of foreshadowing pivotal events in the book by matching the event with contrasts in nature of light/dark; warm/cold, positive negative. Excellent video.


Thank you Tristan, that was a brilliant and illuminating review of Tess, such a wonderful book. Tears streaming at the injustices doled out to "pure" Tess and the courage with which she carried on until the end. It's no wonder that Thomas Hardy had such a tussle between the church and humanism, the innocent suffer as much, maybe more (certainly in Tess's case) than the guilty and hypocritical; why, why, why? As true now as it has ever


Thank you. I had this saved and immediately watched after I finished. I enjoy your perspective. You brought so much to point for me. Thank you


This was a fantastic video! So appreciated! I just finished the book and had so many thoughts and really needed to break it down which you’ve done excellently. You gave it so much depth and much more credit than I did so thank you for broadening my mind!


Wow, that was awesome! Excellent analysis of an excellent book.

Alex's treatment of Tess after he convert to the church, even Angel who originally planned on moving to CoE Australia, actually moved to Catholic Brazil; there are so many more examples where I can see your argument.

Love analysis like this. Will have to check out some of your other videos when it's not almost midnight. 🙂


Wonderful, I love the way you explain your understanding.
Thank you.


I recently found your channel and I am so glad that I did. I believe this is the best review of Tess I have ever heard. I am about to embark on Return of the Native, hoping to enjoy it as much as I did Tess. Thank you for your fantastic analysis and for your channel!


Wow! This is perhaps the best explanation of this novel I've heard. Listening to others who have reviewed the novel, all I came away with is that the story is very, very sad.
Tristan, you have done a brilliant job at going deeper, beyond the low hanging fruit to share with us the philosophical and theological issues juxtaposed upon the story by Hardy. The analysis of the two worldviews is very clear-eyed. It's very smart. You made me feel the struggle of the author, and as I was considering the quintessential issue of evil in the world, one thought came to my mind: "Come to Me..." as in Matthew 11: 28-30.
I am new to Thomas Hardy, but thanks to you, I picked up a beautiful edition of "Far From the Madding Crowd" a couple of days ago, and I couldn't be happier at discovering Hardy's style; it is a large Technicolor screen with surround sound to boot! My eyes were filled with the specialness of Norcombe Hill and its particular features, and I was absolutely taken in my mind to that place that incited me to "stand and listen, and learn how the trees on the right and the trees on the left wailed or chaunted to each other in regular antiphonies of a cathedral choir...the hurrying gusts then plunged into the south, to be heard no more." This reminded me of the best explanation of the wind, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes..."
I don't know whether Hardy meant to be so ethereal, or whether in my personal first-time reading it is the resonance of the Book of books.
I am so looking forward to reading Tess of the D'Ubervilles. :)


Thank you for a great lecture. I haven’t read Tess of the D’Ubervilles yet but I’m going to read it soon. You have given me some useful tools to interpret and understand it


Enjoyed this discussion, I just finished the book. Appreciated you highlighting the religion vs humanism thread in the novel. I picked up on it but liked how you filled in the backstory of Hardy's life and how he wrestled with these ideas which were exemplefied by characters. I just downloaded Return of the Native as I really am enjoying Hardy's books so far.


25:30 Tess at this point had already found out that Angel has not read the letter as at the breakfast when Angel was still having the breakfast with others (I can't recall exactly where he was but most probably he was down at dining) Tess searched the room and found the letter that has not touched Clare's hands. She takes it with her back.


Hi Tristan! I was saving this video for when I have read the novel. Thanks so much for making this video. You explain it very well and made me appreciate it more.


I hope u continue to do more in depth videos on other classics too...thanku for this video it helped me to understand it better.
