This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno | BOOK REVIEW

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I get lost in the haze of grief in Thing Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno.


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This book really captured my attention in a way that I have struggled to find in horror/mystery books. I recommend it whenever I can. It's stayed with me months later, I think I read it in January. One of the most interesting thing I've noticed with this book is that everyone I've seen do a review interprets it in ways that I didn't really see and I don't know if I've had the same opinions that other's have.


2/5 for me, not horrible but just didnt know what it wanted to be. Could have been a technophobic thriller with a sentient malevolent alexa device ( a bit like the movie Megan). Or it could have been a cosmic thriller about demons attempting to possess him via the weird monolithic wall. Or it could have been an interesting story about grief, pain, forgiveness about a wife murdered by an undocumented migrant and played out in the public eye.

In truth its all of these an none, more like three underdeveloped novellas.

I think its typical first book syndrome, give him 350 pages and a singular vision next time.


Passed on it because the blurb made it sounds like it's a haunted speaker/cursed object type of book. This actually sounds good.


Well my last encounter with a horror book that had Mexican lore in it was The Devil Takes You Home, I don't think it can get any worse.

Seriously though, this book sounds intriguing, I'll have to pick it up.
