God With Us | Voddie Baucham

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The depravity of the human race has been blatantly displayed in every place throughout all of history. The Apostle Paul was clearly right when he said, “None is righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10).

This truth is illustrated every day. We see riots in the streets, corruption in government, perversion in marriage, and then, of course, there is plenty of sin remaining in our very own flesh. The Reformer, John Calvin, taught that such things should turn our gaze to God. He wrote, “Indeed, our very poverty better discloses the infinitude of benefits reposing in God. The miserable ruin, into which the rebellion of the first man cast us, especially compels us to look upward.”

We have all sorts of trouble down here because we have neglected to look up there. We are made in the image of God. But many have forgotten God, leaving the phrase “image of God” meaningless. Now is a time to know God and worship Him. Calvin also said, “Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.” Man no longer knows himself. But there is no way to rediscover the truth about man without first coming to a true knowledge of God.

This presentation was given by Dr. Voddie Baucham on January 22, 2021 at the Founders "The Only God" national conference in Southwest Florida.

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The most expensive tree was the one Christ paid it all for our sins.


👏🏾- Can we honour his attention to scripture?
Can we honour the fact that he teaches and preaches, not so that we will feel good about ourselves, but, so that we look on the truth of God’s word and understand how much we need his grace, mercy and love.

Thank you Jesus


I pray Dr. Baucham's continued strength in the Lord.


Who is this preacher? Why is it that when he teaches I feel something in my heart?
Why is it that there are few genuine preachers like him on this earth. God bless him abundantly above what he can imagine or think of.


That was epic. I wish more pastors preached the full gospel like this


This is the revelation of Jesus that EVERYONE needs to have. So they know who He is. There are people who have been in church for years and don’t have this revelation. God bless you man of God.


I kept waiting for Dr. Baucham to wrap up the tree by picking up on how the tree wasn’t of the value but what was on it! It wasn’t the wood but the jewels that made it valuable. It was what hung on it. I immediately thought of the cross. It wasn’t the cross itself that was/is precious but a precious, beautiful, and invaluable Savior who made it priceless! Thank you for this feast of doctrine. My soul sings.


Please pray for me everyone, i have hyperthyroidism and a small goiter as a result, thank-you everyone. GOD BLESS YOU


Why do people reject the idea of Jesus being God? I find comfort in it.


That's why I don't really celebrate Christmas or any other man made holidays. People love it because it is a time of receiving materialistic things but I would rather be homeless with nothing and fully accepted by our father God through His precious son Jesus, than to have everything, rich and successful, and not have our Lord Jesus...


Because people don't want to face who they are!!! Until I started watching you sir I was only fooling myself I'm not worthy😥


I hope I get a chance to hear Dr voddie in person one day soon.


Very solid teaching may God be glorified for using His servant to speak truth with such clarity


NOTE: "This presentation was given by Dr. Voddie Baucham on January 22, 2021 at the Founders "The Only God" national conference in Southwest Florida."


This is my favorite sermon of his. I cried and cried and cried. How incredible is God …


Don't want to be distracting but can I ask that anyone reading this comment please pray for me about a personal matter? Thank you.


Wow, Pastor Voddie hits it out of the park again. I absolutely love his teachings. He is so thorough and detailed about Scripture, it just hits me in the heart and I want more and more of that. I love my Jesus so much, I can't wait to see Him face-to-face. Maranatha!!! Thank you Pastor Voddie for your wisdom and teachings.


Pastor Voddie is Never Ever Afraid to hit us hard with the word... He has NO Book says this...No wiggle room....""This is why the Doctrine matters; this doctrine is essential, this doctrine is non-negotiable""


The problem I have with Christmas and Easter is the fact that it was compromised like all the other festivals throughout the year, I think it’s good to celebrate and have a time to represent, but the problem is these were merely pagan festivals twisted with Christ’s image put as a veil over the front of it


Christ the beginning and the end for all eternity ❤
