Chris Clemons FIXES my forehand! Leading with the elbow! | Physics of Form ep. 10

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Chris Clemons helps Danny navigate the advice he got in the last episode for fixing his forehand and adding distance!

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You don't quite realize how crisp Chris' form is until you watch it next to a mere mortal. [And Danny isn't a bad player by any means!]


Chris strikes me as a solid, humble dude. I feel like this is the first time I've really seen his personality showcased.


Just act like your skipping a flat rock across the pond, but aim at hip height. You will be a master in know time.


Nice video! I talk about a lot of this in my "FH Tutorial - How to Lead with the Elbow" and at the end of "Stop Hugging Yourself / Rounding" and also "Double Dragon Drill - Power Pocket Explained".


Using your elbow as a hinge isn't exactly right.. I will say coming from a baseball back ground. The vast majority of "whip" that people who throw really hard have over people who don't. Is their ability to load the tight muscles in the rotator cuff in their shoulder. Watch a slowmo of any pitcher and you'll see what I mean. Legs, hips, lunge, are all there to force the body forward, forcing the elbow in front of the ball, essentially like pulling a slingshot away from the ball.
With side arm your body is generating a more rotational torque, rather than a more natural over the top torque. With over hand, leading with the shoulder on that downward motion, forces the elbow to twist, which forces the ball to accelerate. When throwing sidearm, since its down low, leading with the shoulder (bodies natural tendency) removes that forced whip of the rotator cuff. Which pushes the disc out of alignment. Creating a bunch of off axis torque, so the throw hurts like hell, disc wobbles and doesn't go very far...
Leading with the elbow is more a mental cue to keep your body from leading with the shoulder and pulling down and forward. Since your twisting, you don't need to pull down and forward. The torque in the shoulder is created from twisting. Leading with the elbow keeps your elbow down with the disc out to the side to make rotating the rotator cuff as easy and effortless as possibly. I'd watch slowmos of kolling and mcbeth as they stand up pretty straight up when they throw and really make full use of the effortless torque you can get from just isolating that rotator cuff. Clemens and eagle use alot more body and that would just over complicate the motion.
Sorry for the long winded response. I spent the first 20 years of my life as a pitcher analyzing what makes the ball go whoosh. Transitioning to disc golf, that, lead with the elbow thing really helped me work out all the wobble from my throw, removed all the pain, and now I throw much further and much more consist.
Hope it helps


@Danny: I just love that you are constantly teaching, learning at the same time, admitting that you tought opposite/different things in the past and that you are moving on! Thanks for taking us with you on your journey!


your links in the top right are not working!


Watched an old sexton clinic....he said at the end if you don't remember anything else, remember this....Flick you wrist as fast as you forehand is thrown with an ACTIVE wrist snap....while a backhand is thrown with a somewhat PASSIVE you NEED to have that snap to generate enough spin to stabilize the disc...more spin = more stability = more accurate and farther throws


This was great, I love watching Chris' form


dang Danny went from Trilogy's cute little demo guy to Scottish Shipbuilder with that beard


I am that guy. You know that guy. The one that loves the game but lacks any and all natural physical ability. And even though I played baseball as a kid I have no appreciable disc golf forehand. This at least gives me more to work on and hopefully I can get a decent 250' forehand this season.


No consequences on the Internet for claiming “Big Flick” so I’m going to keep doing that. Lol. Good strategy. Create a nickname then you are forced to live up to it. Call yourself Big Flick long enough you will, someday, be slinging the sidearm 400.


Man side arm is so less confusing.
Forehand backhand.


You got a beard and almost look like a man now! Congrats homie


At around 9:40 Danny's back foot begins to unglue from the ground allowing him to finish the movement more squarely and forward to the target like Chris does


I’m physical therapist that avidly plays disc golf.
So mechanically my answer will probably sound like that. Lol
But, watching you vs Clemons, the first thing that comes to mind is that Clemons says if he feels sore, it’s after many reps and it’s in the muscles (forearm, pec).. aka power generated from Wrist Flexion and Shoulder Internal Rotation

You: you form looks “jointy” (comment of elbow or Sh joint pain after only a couple reps vs Clemons many reps)

You look to have correct timing of moving body parts. But it looks like you’re lacking the muscle activating.. no offense

Start simple: load the disc back (wrist ext and slight Sh ER) as you step thru moving forward.. don’t bring the disc forward until you “feel” the PEC engage, then when you feel the pec engage, then rifle the disc thru

Elbow: you’re too much at 90/90, and focusing wrongly on disc lag of the elbow. This is too jointy and causes Elbow injuries
Fix: the pec engagement. Additionally, elbow flex to about 30° above horizontal rather than 90/90, you’ll notice a ton of great pros do this during the run up. Then do your little baseball movement to throw

Lastly: disc inertia is sync w the hips for BH and I’m convinced it’s sync w the Chest for FH

I live in Ks. And come to emporia often. I’d love to meet up sometime if you’re interested. I don’t know everything. But I’m confident in what I just listed. I always seek to improve as well. I enjoy your videos “I’m a subscriber”. Keep it up!!
God bless


PLEASE READ:for form in anything you should move very slow while throwing focusing on if any muscle, joints or position that don’t feel like it would be a good way at high speed throwing.
I took 1 day and started bombing 500 feet I use my right hip (right handed) if you see Chris showing his elbow leading his shot but I saw his left hip engage before the elbow.
One step at a time, if it doesn’t feel good rewind and continue to try new movement slightly adjust for comfort!
Smooth is


Clemons has such a smooth AND powerful sidearm.

Just imagine if he used his right arm.

(Obviously an intended bad joke)


I’m 3:45 into the video and it’s the exact advice I made on the previous video. I feel justified.


Honestly... Danny getting lessons from pros is incredibly good stuff. Not only because of the pros' good advice, but also due to how well Danny explains it to us trying to learn the mechanics. More of these vids, please!
