When a man sends these types of texts, he's NOT interested!

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#1 clue he’s not into you is he doesn’t ask questions-especially about you.


Ladies, trust your intuition. I know we glorify logical thinking but women's intuition is second to none. If you are watching videos and videos to see if hes interested because you arent sure, he isnt interested.


When someone shows you who they are- believe them.


I've been online dating off and on for a couple of years and I've learned a lot of very important lessons. If a man is chatting you up intensely for several days and then he suddenly disappears for several weeks and then circles back around to you... don't start chatting with him again. He wasn't attracted or interested enough in you to begin with which is why he ghosted you and the only reason why he's back is for the ego boost. Your heart will be broken if you try to force a relationship with this guy cuz he just isn't That Into You but he might use you as a placeholder.


If the man cares for you.. he will keep up with conversations that are ongoing...he will remember details. He will notice if you are sad or care if you are tired or sick
He will call you after a few texts because he will want to hear you...not just read words that have no voice inflection.
Love this.



When we as women have a full life - friends, job, hobbies, travel, family and high self esteem, then these losers don't get a look in and it's easy to shut them down early. If you keep attracting these men or falling for their bullshit or making excuses for their bad behaviour, then you have taken the focus off yourself and need to get yourself back on track with YOU first. A relationship with a man is a good thing, a fun thing but if he thinks he can treat you badly it's because you've forgotten to put yourself first and see yourself as the prize. Men are a dime a dozen. As women it's easy to attract them. But a good man will only be attracted to you if you are good to yourself first.


"an automated chat bot would be more engaging" that part is so funny but so true lol


It's fascinating to me how men are so self absorbed that stringing someone along just to feed their ego and wasting the woman's time and possibly hurting her means ZERO to them. I had a ex look me up once, the first thing I said to him was "You just broke up with someone, that's why you're here" and he lied and told me they broke up 8 months prior. I got back together with him and found out later it was just me holding him over until his next fling who he ended up marrying and having children with. Zero regard for uprooting my life and breaking my heart for the 2nd time. I learned a big lesson from that. It told me all I need to know about men. They are by far the most self serving selfish beings on this planet.


I just told a guy yesterday that contacted me out of the blue yesterday after 2 months to leave me alone. I wasn't into his games and told him I needed consistency. He told me he had to get a new cell phone. I said no you're playing games and I'm not for it good bye


I know this video is a few months old, but hope someone who needs this sees it:
1. Don’t fall for a person who always says they love the way you make THEM feel instead of saying they love YOU.
2. Don’t fall for a person who only messages you really early in the AM and really late at night, especially if they use the old “oh, I’m suddenly too sleepy to talk. Goodnight.”


You have described both narcissism and scams!


If a guy texts you all sorts of wild, boastful bs about how supposedly great they are but can’t be decent enough to ask you how your day is, RUN. Don’t walk in the opposite direction. RUN. He has hideous character and can’t even be a friend to himself, much less you. Which isn’t your fault. Don’t let shitty “men” make you think that you don’t deserve to be treated like a human being


*Some men may be casting their net very widely trying to see what fish they can catch.* And they may be not even single. They just enjoy the attention and the ego boost just like Brian so well articulates in this video.
You as a woman got a lot of choice. It's easy to start thinking that all men are flaky or like to play games, but there are so many great guys out there.
I've found that once I changed the way I view myself, I started attracting very different quality men.


Women please don't go chasing any man let him take the lead, when you go looking for that man you find exactly what you're looking for Trouble.


This is where I am at with a guy ‘friend’ who stays in touch..no goal and not moving anything forward. Feels like he’s just making conversation and it’s not leading anywhere so I am confused cause I care about him as a friend, we haven’t dated, but don’t know what he wants. 😕🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve given him time to suggest we see each other again, and nothing, so letting him go and moving forward by myself. Thank you 🙏


He behaves like someone else’s cat… lmao 😂


They keep reaching out when they need to be acknowledged that they still feel. Like they still got it. This jerk Keep doing this to me but he's dead to me. If he cared about me he wouldn't be yoyoing with my emotions.


Brian I just love all your videos ❤️ We women finally have to stop living our imagination and learn how to see man just the way he is for real with no excuses, no giving another chances. If the man isn't the right person we feel it at the begining, just watch his behaviour and listen to your intuition.


I love your videos. This one reminds me of the saying " If you do not know, it means no."


This guy hits every nail on the head. He is good.
