What does my typical work week as a web dev like

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Very refreshing to see actual real details in this type of video instead of "Hey I wake up and get out of bed and drink coffee and walk my dog and then go to work and code and go home THE END" Thanks for the vid 👍


I did an internship about 6 months ago and this was literally the process that I learned throughout my 3 months. I really wish I saw this before…Great content…


Love this. I’ve been working on solo projects for my software development career of ~2 years, and while I had an idea of how this stuff worked as a team, I haven’t been able to get this detailed of an overview yet. Looking to create a more formalized/professional skeleton of processes for even just myself sometime, so I’ll definitely be coming back to this when I have the time to do that. (currently time = build, build, build)


Such a realistic take - I was expecting something vague, but this is extremely close to what I've seen in DevOps in the wild. I appreciate this a ton, even if only because it validates a lot of my takes on DevOps in my own day to day for a larger org.


Your day to day sounds awesome. I wish our team would pair program as much as you guys do. Sitting and just working through stuff with other developers sounds great.


Hey man. I appreciate you making this video and showing us what it’s actually like. I’m working on becoming a software developer and it’s very informative to know what to expect once I break into the field. Many thanks!


thanks for this video, from the way you explained things it all sounds very stractured with all the processes being followed and teams collaborating together. I work on a service desk myself as a controller, and while we do follow similar procedures, and stick to similar meeting structures, it's pretty much always a mess with a lot of fundamental problems that are not being addressed (constant shift of employees on the project isn't helping either). Im currently looking to start learning for some more technical IT position, but don't know what to strive for yet, so a video like this from the dev perspective is very helpful


This is 1000% more reflective of what a real day in the life of a software developer than those other day in the life videos, ESPECIALLY since more and more people are working remote. I've been on several different teams, and almost all of them follow this scrum pattern.


Wow, a boring, but honest story about the work and coffee time or gaming at work BS 🥺? This is probably the best [a day in life of programmer] video on YouTube 👍. Thank you!

P. S. Looks like I subscribed to the right channel 😎.


This is the best day in the life video I’ve ever seen! The best and an actual day in the life. You are the best! I am subscribing!


One of the best work in a day kind of video. Keep it up!


This is so interesting, it looks EXACTLY like my day as a fronted dev. Great job


It would be nice to see more videos like this, what the real work is from start to finish.


This is the most realistic video I have ever seen! Subscribed ✅ Can you please do a video if you could, about yearly reviews and what to talk about in 1:1 meetings with line managers? Thanks!


Really interesting to hear that you work in Zoom with other devs and take turns driving. I've worked at 3 companies(albeit all start ups) and we all are working on independent features/bugs. We may all be working towards some overall Epic, but rarely just sitting on calls coding together. We do pair programming when needing help or wanting another opinion on architecture and stuff, but 99% of my dev time is alone and cranking out code.

I agree on you points of sprints/retro feeling a little unnecessary. My last team did 1 week sprints and half the stuff just over flows and we end up being more kanban style in the end.

Great video! cool to see another perspective.


One of the most realistic "day in the life" videos I've seen. THIS is what should people should see if they want to be come a developer, not most of those other videos out there. Calling out a few points that stood out to me :

1. the points of kanban vs srcum: In the end no solution is perfect, and many teams do merge to the two. Not that it's always the right answer but following strict scum process can end up being a time waste for some teams that can be more productive otherwise.

2. Pointing out that sometimes more vague stories are better and letting the devs have some creativity which can sometimes result in really great implementations.

3. Standups sometimes feel pointless, but if a small bit of info is gained every day it's worth it. The small pieces of info shared add up over weeks so when a PR is made no one is seeing something for the first time.

4. Sometimes big PRs do happen and its the nature of the project. It can sometimes be less productive to try and plan every story out in small little tasks and estimating every little piece individually rather than just getting started on it.

5. "Half the time you don't even finish them within the sprint ... stuff always keeps coming up working on stories". Plans usually don't fully work, and that's ok. The point is having a general plan and short term goals in place to move towards the long term goals.

NONE of these points are made to dissuade someone from getting into this amazing career but some of the sensationalization I see online is wild. Many of these things can't be comprehended until you live it.

One question I had - You said that you seem to prefer vaguer stories to allow devs some creative freedom, but also mention there is a UX team involved. How does the UX team work with the dev team? Are they providing wire-frames before a story is picked up, doing full mock ups, or providing input at a later stage? In my last team we struggled with where in the process are they best to be implemented.


Wow. This might be one of the only videos online that has this information. It's exciting and sad at the same time. Thank you for this.


Honestly, this was great to watch. So many videos "day in the life of a dev" are adulterated & sugar coated. Good to see something geniune.


Your scrum tangent rings true to me so hard. It's the most frustrating thing ever.


Good video, always nice to compare different work environments! A little frustrated with my in name only "scrum/agile" environment
