Equi Join And Inner Join in SQL - How It Works with Examples | Oracle SQL Course 2023 | PT

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"Equi Join And Inner Join in SQL - How It Works with Examples | Oracle SQL Course 2023
#EquiJoinSQL #InnerJoinSQL #EquiJoin #InnerJoin #Innerjoinmysql #equijoinmysql #sqljoin #sqlEquiJoin #SqlInnerJoin
#SQLTutorial2023 #SQL #SQLTraining #SQLServerTutorials #SQLServerCourse #sqltrainingvideos #sqlservertraining #sqlservertutorialvideos #SQLServer #parnikatutorials
00:41 - what is the importance of line size related to sql+
04:43 - cartesian product
10:15 - the join operation
12:09 - outer join
13:24 - what is meant by common attribute
25:43 - using the inner join
26:14 - inner join"
An equi join is any JOIN operation that uses an equals sign and only an equals sign. You will see queries that use more than one join condition; if one condition is an equals sign and the other isn't, that's a considered a non equi join in SQL.
There are two types of Joins - Equi and Non-Equi Join in SQL which join multiple tables on the basis of an equality condition whereas the Non-Equi Join joins the table on the basis of the conditions other than the equality conditions such as less than, less than or equal, greater, greater than or equal.
Whenever we have to retrieve data from a table, we use three methods named Selection, Projection, and Joins. Selection is a method in which we have to retrieve data using a condition such as a WHERE condition from a single table. Projection is a method in which we have to retrieve data from a single table without using a condition.
If we want to select or retrieve data from multiple tables, we use joins. It retrieves data that includes related rows/data from multiple tables.
Equi and Non-Equi Join are types of Joins that retrieve data from multiple tables based on some condition. Equi Join in SQL will retrieve only the data that is equal in both the tables or only retrieves the matching column values therefore, it uses an equality operator to join multiple tables. On the other hand, Non-Equi join is used to retrieve data without using the equality operator. However, we can use other operators except the equality one in the non-equi join to join multiple tables.
Equi Join is a type of INNER Join that displays the output by performing a join operation between two or more tables on the basis of the common column that exists between them. It uses the equality ( = ) symbol to compare the data between two columns, if the data matches, it retrieves it. Equi Join compares each column value of the source table with each value in the corresponding target table and if both the values are equal, it retrieves it.
The Equi Join operation returns only the data that is present in all the tables that we are comparing based on the common column field. It does not display null or unmatchable data.
The equality operator in the Equi Join operation is used to refer to the equality in the WHERE clause. However, it returns the same result when we use the Join keyword with the ON clause along with column names and their respective tables.
SELECT * FROM TableName1, TableName2 WHERE TableName1.ColumnName = TableName2.ColumnName;
SELECT * FROM TableName1 JOIN TableName2 ON TableName1.ColumnName = TableName2.ColumnName;
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#EquiJoinSQL #InnerJoinSQL #EquiJoin #InnerJoin #Innerjoinmysql #equijoinmysql #sqljoin #sqlEquiJoin #SqlInnerJoin
#SQLTutorial2023 #SQL #SQLTraining #SQLServerTutorials #SQLServerCourse #sqltrainingvideos #sqlservertraining #sqlservertutorialvideos #SQLServer #parnikatutorials
00:41 - what is the importance of line size related to sql+
04:43 - cartesian product
10:15 - the join operation
12:09 - outer join
13:24 - what is meant by common attribute
25:43 - using the inner join
26:14 - inner join"
An equi join is any JOIN operation that uses an equals sign and only an equals sign. You will see queries that use more than one join condition; if one condition is an equals sign and the other isn't, that's a considered a non equi join in SQL.
There are two types of Joins - Equi and Non-Equi Join in SQL which join multiple tables on the basis of an equality condition whereas the Non-Equi Join joins the table on the basis of the conditions other than the equality conditions such as less than, less than or equal, greater, greater than or equal.
Whenever we have to retrieve data from a table, we use three methods named Selection, Projection, and Joins. Selection is a method in which we have to retrieve data using a condition such as a WHERE condition from a single table. Projection is a method in which we have to retrieve data from a single table without using a condition.
If we want to select or retrieve data from multiple tables, we use joins. It retrieves data that includes related rows/data from multiple tables.
Equi and Non-Equi Join are types of Joins that retrieve data from multiple tables based on some condition. Equi Join in SQL will retrieve only the data that is equal in both the tables or only retrieves the matching column values therefore, it uses an equality operator to join multiple tables. On the other hand, Non-Equi join is used to retrieve data without using the equality operator. However, we can use other operators except the equality one in the non-equi join to join multiple tables.
Equi Join is a type of INNER Join that displays the output by performing a join operation between two or more tables on the basis of the common column that exists between them. It uses the equality ( = ) symbol to compare the data between two columns, if the data matches, it retrieves it. Equi Join compares each column value of the source table with each value in the corresponding target table and if both the values are equal, it retrieves it.
The Equi Join operation returns only the data that is present in all the tables that we are comparing based on the common column field. It does not display null or unmatchable data.
The equality operator in the Equi Join operation is used to refer to the equality in the WHERE clause. However, it returns the same result when we use the Join keyword with the ON clause along with column names and their respective tables.
SELECT * FROM TableName1, TableName2 WHERE TableName1.ColumnName = TableName2.ColumnName;
SELECT * FROM TableName1 JOIN TableName2 ON TableName1.ColumnName = TableName2.ColumnName;
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