Knuckles didn't save Rouge | Sonic Animation

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So random.
It was made only because every time I listen to "Lie lie lie" I keep remembering this scene (:
This animation originates from a cutscene from Sonic Adventure 2.
I am Russian, but can speak English.
Credits to translators of this video:
Made in source filmmaker
All used models and characters don't belong to me. I get models from Steam's Workshop, SFMLab, Deviantart, Garry's Mod. All credit goes to their creators.
Music: Serj Tankian - Lie Lie Lie; Kevin Macleod - Mermaid; Crush40 - Live & Learn.
Video editor - Adobe Premiere Pro 2021
"Sonic the hedgehog" characters belongs to SEGA.
Special thanks to my boosters: swf11, Blackmagix95

10.17.21. diakitty
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About the same question that's popping out on my videos for a year now, saying that Rouge could've fly. Alright, as much as I tired of getting back to this topic for a hundredth time, I'll do it. First off, this scene originates from SA2 when Rouge also falls and Knuckles saves her, she's thankful for that. Don't forget that. You know that flying creatures CAN'T fly with their backs down, right? Have you seen a bird flying with her belly facing the sky? Or even a bat? That's just not how physics works guys, if someone has wings doesn't automatically mean that they can fly out of every situation they're in. Overly cartoon-ish characters can fly like this (Taking Chip for example), but that wasn't a thing in Adventure era. She could've turn herself in the air, sure, but let's keep in mind that 1. Her slipping and falling was unexpected and people tend to not think straight at a situations like this. 2. There is not much time for her to do this before hitting the lava. 3. There was a flipping fight before that exact moment, it obviously drained some energy making flying a bit hard you know? Can you run when you're exhausted? Exactly. And let's also keep in mind the size and weight of a flying creature.

Касаемо вопроса, который уже год появляется под моими видео, о том что Руж могла взлететь. Ладно, пусть мне и надоело возвращаться к этой теме в сотый раз, я это сделаю. Для начала напомню, что сцена берет свое начало из SA2, где Руж тоже упала и ее спас Наклз, за что она благодарна. Не забывайте это. Вы знаете, что летающие существа НЕ МОГУТ летать спиной вниз, да? Вы видели птиц, летящих животиком к небу? Или даже летучих мышей? Физика так не работает народ. Если у кого-то есть крылья, это не значит, что они на автомате могут вылететь из абсолютно любой ситуации. Мультяшные до кончиков ушей персонажи могут так летать, (Например, Чип) но в эру адвенчеров такого не было. Да, она могла перевернуться в воздухе, но не будем забывать, что 1. То что она поскользнулась и упала было НЕОЖИДАННО, а в подобных ситуациях люди склонны мыслить не очень трезво. 2. Довольно мало времени на то чтобы сделать это прежде чем плюхнуться в лаву. 3. Была блин драка прямо перед этой сценой, и это очевидно вымотало ее. Летать после такого будет немного трудновато, верно? Вы можете бежать, когда вы измотаны? Именно. И давайте также держать в голове такую простую вещь как размер и вес крылатого.


Girls are temporary, the Master Emerald is forever.


Knuckles: Oh good your back! *takes the shard*


I almost thought Knuckles would dive in after the emerald XD


"He kill his wife!!"

"The bat?"

"No, you fool! The Master Emerald!!"


Knuckles: *Watches her die*
Rouge: We can respawn you know..
Knuckles: Oh no. *Takes the shard and pushes her back into the lava.*


And the solution is… Knuckles had to save Rouge from there. Or he would lose some shards of the Master Emerald. xP


The part with him just watching Rouge die in the lava like a psycho reminds me of the 4Kids dub of Sonic X where Knuckles just watches Yellow Zelkova catch on fire and die when in the Japanese version, he rushed in to save him. Knuckles is secretly a psychopath confirmed.


The REAL reason why Knuckles saved Rouge is because she had the Master Emerald Pieces


Realizes Rouge still has the emerald.
Knuckles: "I'm coming to save you!" (Talking about the emerald)


Wasn't expecting a reference to a Serj Tankian song
Nice one XD


The animation on knuckles face at the end was just so on point! Amazing work


It’s the Lie Lie Lie that really sells this


Why does this remind me of a telltale’s game where you can choose an outcome and this pretty much a bad route, even if Rouge just re-spawns. Also, just realize Knuckles has really good reflexes if that is real time on how fast Rouge was falling. XD


Maybe he just thought she’d use those wings of hers to save herself lol


"Think what you want bat girl I was saving the master emerald!" This is the scenario where he DOESN'T think of that and only wants revenge for 1 too many black waves


Glad that Knuckles finally caught on and realized that he should'd've saved Rouge.


Rouge... You can fly, she probably forgot..


Good that Rouge had 2 lives if not I would be so sad 0:35. But smile that knuckles had creeped me out! 0:17


jesus christ knuckles' smile gave me chills
