Princess Elodie - Damsel

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#damsel #fanvidfeed
This is NOT a Fairytale.

Princess Elodie Tribute (Millie Bobby Brown)
Movie: Damsel (Netflix)
Characters: Princess Elodie (Tribute)
Music: Twelve Titans Music - Breaking Point

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Basically, the prince is what most of us would be in his situation. Taught a certain way while growing up and brainwashed. Too weak to stand up to his mother when he knows he is killing many but he thinks it’s right because that is what he grew up learning from his parents.


Hes a coward but im glad hes accepting his mistake and willingly die from the dragon's fire


Doesn't it break your heart how Elodie thought she became a wife and made her family and people proud only to learn (BOOM NO SHAKA LACA) “it was all a lie”? Being told something and learning it’s all for nothing?


Ohhhh I love the pairing!!! And although I was super happy with the ending, the hopeless romantic inside of me was crying because of how good they looked with each other! He was a stupid donkey and I get all of it, but still THEY LOOK SO GORGEOUS TOGETHER!!!😭🤌


ahhh this movie was so good it definitely was worth the wait.


Their story??? What story?? They dont even have any history together. He is such a whimp. I absoutely hate his character. Her stepmother was such a gem in the movie, love her character, and I love how the movie ended, a perfect ending it was. I wish i could see it again for the first time.


Part of me once to see it. It's been done a lot but I mostly want to see it if the prince becomes a good guy in the end and married the princess. It says it's not a fairytale so I don't have high hopes but still looks good I'm just a hopeless romantic


When I started watching this movie I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but as soon as he dropped her down that big pit I said to myself.” I’m going to have nightmares”.


he was a coward but seeing him willying die from the dragon, maked it up


If only he had some sort of courage, they could have been happy together.
But as it is, I don't think she could have stayed with him, whether she liked him or not she couldn't stay with him.


Love this movie i just finished watching it with my mum, so good, great jump scares, plot i definitely had it figured out not so long in, the action the adventure the fantasy the settings the effects the outfits the hair, elodies journey from how it was in the beginning to the end, the parents surprisingly actually cared about their kids even the step mom and the father though he got karma even though he tried to the right thing, the prince he actually hated it and felt bad but still doesn't excuse what he has done so its good he accepted his fate at the end, love seeing that rotten horrid vile inhumane monsterous creature of a queen die brutally, im so happy that elodie and her sister and her mom made it alive and that elodie and the dragon team up to the after the real monsters the real ones to blame for their suffering, so sad for the dragon loosing her kids that stupid king kills the dragons kids and thinks he can easily take down the big dragon and thinks asking for mercy will work like you went in the dragons home and killed her kids like wtf you expect to happen like never mess with a mama dragon, the many poor innocent girls who were sacrificed so sad but they basically tried to help those who come after them in case they don't survive, the dragon not seeing each "daughter" is of different race but also really thinking they would give their actual kids up like nah, im glad Elodie showed her hand and got to explain to the dragon and that the dragon listened well when it was on the verge of dying but elodie saved her with those magical healing bugs like they good for light and healing well i knew they were magical they glowing and hey every girl a princess need a animal companion but then she got an actual better bigger animal companion the dragon love them teaming up like thats what i wanted, the dragon is still a for killing those girls cus they didn't do anything wrong like even if they were the real daughters of royal family its still wrong and the dragon should want to protect the girls like its her own kids and go after the king and queen, the dragon becoming what she hates and doing the same thing the king did to her kids makes you no better than them makes you no different, the dragon is a victim still and i was suprised when the dragon speaks i at first thought it was a guy dragon but it was then sounding like older woman its a she, villians are not born they are made but its not always justifiable when going after innocent people by becoming what you hate and doing the same bad things that was done to you and doing it to others who are innocent good people.
The transformation of Elodie reminded me of the female lead character in ready or not.
Red weddings are never good never really end well.
The prince he F sacrificed many girls like he thinks elodie would forgive him and still marry him like he was still going through with sacrificing many girls until he gets to marry the one he wants, if he actually hated it he should have done something instead of being a F p*ssie like he should have killed his rotten parents.
Only stupid shallow simps would forgive that prince.
The family maybe rich royalty but thats just a cover a facade they are the real rotten to the core monsters they think they better then those of non royal blood but they worse than humans worse than animals worse than monsters they evil.
Those saying she be a good targarean like she'd be better cus she can actually fight and she brave smart resourceful strong and doesn't need to rely on a dragon.
Ok so i thought that it was happening the girls being sacrificed without their families knowledge but now was one of the parents of each girl or both their parents in on it just willing to sacrifice their child for riches and to not suffer the dragons wrath cus thats just f*cked up screwed up messed up, also the queen saying that Elodie knows nothing of what they endured like b*tch please thats no f excuse for what you are doing.


What can you tell me about the various Els? El Zootopia Pets X's, El heritage, etc., etc.? And any Partners, across all Blood Types. Including any El Salvadors, Faith is Key Christ Saviour and Partners.


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