Stradivarius and Guarnerius Violins: The curve of the Back and the Mystery of How it's Done so Well.
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Secrets of the violin connoisseur, secrets of the magic within the violin: from The Romantic School of Music and Kevin Lee Luthier.
Also within this series: how to tell if a Stradivarious or Guarnerius violin is real.
Subtle Nuances aren't just important when performing music, they are "everything" when it comes to creating a work of art like Stradivarius and Guarnerius. When it comes to the varnish , what happens to the instrument before it's applied, is just as important as the final coat.
Books mentioned, and shown:
PETER BIDDULPH - GIUSEPPE GUARNERI DEL GESÙ = A fabulous book, yet very tough to find now.
ANTONIO STRADIVARI The Cremona Exhibition of 1987
BEARE Charles, CARLSON Bruce = You can find it, but wow, it's expensive now.
Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers 1751 = It's on google books, but tough to navigate.
Music: The Mystics, by Kyle Preston
Photos and Video Clips:
Parthenon picture by dimitrisvetsikas1969 / 18060 at Pixabay
Parthenon video by Gisselere Michael at Artgrid
Flowing Gold by Soraphotography at Artgrid
Also within this series: how to tell if a Stradivarious or Guarnerius violin is real.
Subtle Nuances aren't just important when performing music, they are "everything" when it comes to creating a work of art like Stradivarius and Guarnerius. When it comes to the varnish , what happens to the instrument before it's applied, is just as important as the final coat.
Books mentioned, and shown:
PETER BIDDULPH - GIUSEPPE GUARNERI DEL GESÙ = A fabulous book, yet very tough to find now.
ANTONIO STRADIVARI The Cremona Exhibition of 1987
BEARE Charles, CARLSON Bruce = You can find it, but wow, it's expensive now.
Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers 1751 = It's on google books, but tough to navigate.
Music: The Mystics, by Kyle Preston
Photos and Video Clips:
Parthenon picture by dimitrisvetsikas1969 / 18060 at Pixabay
Parthenon video by Gisselere Michael at Artgrid
Flowing Gold by Soraphotography at Artgrid