Why California is Becoming the Most Hated State in America.

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Welcome back, everyone! 🌟 Ready to escape California's wildfires? Today, we’re diving into essential relocation tips to help you move safely and smartly. 🏡🔥

California, with its sunny beaches, Hollywood stars, and tech giants, is a mixed bag of emotions. But wildfires? They’re a game-changer. In this video, we’ll uncover why these blazes are making folks pack their bags and how you can relocate to safer pastures. From air pollution to high energy costs and legendary traffic jams, we’ll explore it all!

✨ **Why California Feels Like a Tough Spot:**
- **Air Pollution:** Not just cars; cooking, residential heating, and road dust play a big role.
- **Droughts:** Moisturizing cacti? You bet! Chronic droughts are reshaping life here.
- **Crime & Homelessness:** Rising crime rates and an increasing homeless population are real concerns.
- **Wildfires:** Frequent and destructive, they affect air quality far beyond state lines.

Join us as we uncover the highs and lows of the Golden State’s current status and why many are considering a move. 🌍 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell for more insights into trending travel and relocation tips! Got any thoughts on California or relocation? Share them in the comments below! 💬

Thinking of moving to a new location? We’ve got you covered with the best tips and advice. Why is living in California becoming a challenge? Find out now, and let’s navigate this journey together! 🚀

#California #Wildfires #RelocationTips #UnitedStates #Travel #Trending #MovingTo #LivingIn #WhyCaliforniaIsPopular

#RelocationTips #CaliforniaProblems #Drought #CaliforniaExodus #Wildfires

00:00 - Intro
00:49 - Air Pollution
02:17 - Drought
03:41 - Crime
05:10 - High Energy Cost
06:51 - Wildfires
08:15 - Traffic
09:18 - Hollywood Hype
10:44 - Homeless Crisis
11:45 - Taxes
12:47 - High Real Estate Costs
13:57 - Income Inequality
14:43 - Politics
15:34 - Earthquakes
16:37 - People
18:15 - Immigration Issues

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Los Angeles, where you can be a non-smoker and still get lung cancer


Correct on every issue you mentioned. I live in a Northern California suburb, a whole different animal. Friendly diverse population, minimal crime, good public transportation and terrific weather. After living around the country and the world, I prefer to live with rich culture, rich history, California food/wine and an educated population. Los Angeles is, let's say, unique..


As someone who has lived in California for over 40 years I can say it is a very unhappy state. It’s almost impossible to find a happy person here, in these days. When I go to other states I see happy people, but not in California!


As a native Californian who left this is pretty spot on. Everything is a tourist trap and the weather can only save the state so much. Fine to visit but thats it.


I live in southern California near the beach. It's a lot better here than most of America. 95% of America has bad weather, horrible bugs, and large predators. Where I live, I can go outside in summer for walk or run without worrying about bad weather, horrible bugs, and large predators. Most of California weather is bad because it only takes about going inland 30 miles for the weather to get into the 90 F during summer and 35 F during winter. The area between Santa Barbara and Ventura is the best place to live in California because the crime is low and the homeless are only passing through on their way to LA or San Francisco.


Life in the Central San Joaquin Valley of California is not so great either, with summer temps over 100+°F and dust blowing from agricultural fields left fallow. What a mess this state has turned into.


We sold our home home and escaped California in 2021. Best thing we ever did..


About the air quality, I remember speaking to a visiting professor from Shanghai who complimented how beautiful the skies looks in Los Angeles. I guess it's all relative. It is much better than in the 1960's.


I live in CA and I hate what it has become


As a California resident for me it’s Taxes, Price of living, Too many people living here, corrupt government, and the entitled people.


Yes, everything is expensive, but so are wages. Our minimum wage is $15 an hour but many places pay $17. That is twice the minimum wage of many other states.

This is a big state with big problems, but also big benefits. I stay out of S. CA because it's terrible down there. Downtown LA is a cesspool, and Briggs is right about Hollywood. My experience in Southern Cal is it's all about image and fakery, not the real person.

I live near Sacramento and the biggest issue here is homeless. Housing prices are reasonable. One thing I love about California is that medical care is affordable with the California Marketplace for insurance. I have to get independent health insurance and I couldn't do it without the Marketplace.

As far as earthquakes, I would much rather have a few earthquakes in my life, than the hundreds of tornadoes & hurricanes the rest of the country has.

Most of what Briggs says are the downsides are pretty much Bay Area and LA area.

I have no.problem with immigration. We've been having immigrants since forever. This state used to be part of Mexico anyway. The immigrants are who harvest your food, work in meat packing plants, wash the dishes at your favorite restaurant - pretty much do all the necessary jobs you don't want to do.

I also love how EVERYONE is accepted here, not just white conservative christians. 😊✌️❤️


I've lived in California since I was a toddler, and I despise this state. I want to leave, but ironically can't afford to.


California's extreme Left-wing politics is to blame for their homelessness, crime, taxes, and immigration. I moved from Santa Monica to AZ after the 2020 riots ransacked my neighborhood, while the police stood down.


Let me get this straight...you complained about the $20 minimum wage for fast food workers...then later complained about income inequality? Make it Make sense.

Drought is over. We've had record rainfall the last 2 years. You can't predict the drought will return just by saying it will.

Homelessness is a real problem because of our weather. No other state has our enviable weather. If Texas and Florida or northern states had better weather...they'd be heading there.
We don't like it but income inequality and mental health issues are real problems.


People: it used to be that the difference between californians and new yorkers was that the calis were more down to earth. Apparently, that's no longer the case.


People hate California's politics because it's a one party State. if people had a choose it wouldn't be so bad, but the media Dominates the culture in California.


I'm a Californian. Lived in LA my whole life. I hate this place and almost everyone from here bro lmao. Our politics are deluded beyond repair. I'm stuck here 😂


I live in Sacramento and it's an okay place. I like the weather and the ability to drive to different types of topography. Really other than that though, the only thing keeping my husband and I here are his family. If it weren't for that, I not only would want to leave CA but leave the US all together. California is a microcosm of what the entire US is becoming. I say get out while you can.


I came from an island in the Pacific where earthquakes are the norm, anywhere from mag 4-9. My first time experiencing an earthquake in cali was a magnitude 4 or less, people were losing their minds. They see how chill I am & ask "aren't you scared for your life?" And I simply say, "I barely even felt anything". The strongest I felt, but still not scared, was the 2010 mag 7.2 earthquake. I was visiting friends for Easter, we all agreed to meet at a restaurant, where parking was "stacked" and I parked at the top level/floor. I turn off the engine & my car started shaking, slow at first then it got stronger. I thought my friends saw me arrive & decided to prank me by violently shaking my car. I even rolled my window down & shouted "hey stop that!" Then I realized nobody was shaking my car & it was actually an earthquake 😵‍💫😆😆😆😆😆


I've been in Ca for 57 years. I loved it once. It has since become a shithole. Everything God made is wonderful, everything man-made is shit.
