ENTERING POLARIS - Meet The Vocalists Part 8: Arno Menses !

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TOM TEE: It gives me great pleasure to introduce Arno again as part of this new album! :) I remember first hearing Arno's distinct, soulful voice on Sieges Even's 'The Art Of Navigating By The Stars' back in 2005. Apart from the album being an absolute, wildly intricate masterpiece and an instant classic, I was immediately and totally hooked on the vocals. From the magic of Sieges Even to their reincarnation as Subsignal, the vocals have remained as strong and inspiring as ever, and so it's an honour to welcome Arno aboard yet another album, where his mellow, dulcet vocal timbre adds a beautiful contrast to the roaring metal singers that seem to dominate the rest of this release ;-)

Thanks, high-fives, libations and cheers to Arno and SUBSIGNAL for making this dream come true, yet again!

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