Please Don't Ever Give Up

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I don't normally comment on news events, but this one got to me. Let me know what you think about this complex issue.

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But I do care.
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Thank You, Scott. I am a 71 yr old single gal who has no family and a few friends. I struggle with feeling “ dis-connected “ from the World. Your very empathetic words are saving lives and truly helping people get through another day. I am sending warm and loving energy to all of us who are struggling. Hang-on everyone.


I called a crisis line. They proceeded to tell me I wasn’t having a real crisis, and they needed to keep the line open for people who really need it.


My husband was told by professionals that he would just always be anxious, and he would always be stuck on meds. Turns out we were both dealing with mold toxicity from our house. Left the house, got off the meds, and we are doing better every day.


Getting told "There's nothing more we can do for you" by a medical professional is heart breaking to say the least


A psychatrist once told me that i will deal with depression for the rest of my life when I had only just turned 20 :(.. im 22 now and even though i have terrible days and anxiety, my quality of life has increased by like 1000%, i did it all myself because the mental health system is so flawed. I'm still trying to fully recover. But I'm glad i didn't give up


Best quote ‘some of us are playing Mario Bros, others are playing Dark Souls, ’ I’m in the pits currently but this video has inspired me not to give up. Thank you


I was told in 2021 that I would not get any better from a brain injury 1 years prior.

I was depressed and suicidal. I understand your pane of glass theory. I called it the box.

I chose to get better. I got better. I fought very hard for myself.

Never quit. Doctors do NOT know everything.


My father killed himself in 2006, I found out years later that only a few months before he died, he was told by a board of doctors in a mental hospital that if he ever "came back" they would make him a ward of the state and never let him go.


I hate those mornings where I wake up and the first thing that comes into my head is "Fvck. Gotta do this again..." Those are long days.


Last year I was feeling so depressed and sad that everything I could think about was that I didn’t want to live my life anymore. I traveled to a country and spent time in nature, talked to people, made connections, watched the sunset every afternoon and spent a lot of time offline. My depression disappeared and I even forgot to take my medication. That was an amazing experience. When I came back to my “normal” life I felt depressed again. My plan now is to go back and live a slow life close to the nature and this gives me hope.


You're not wrong, but I'm exhausted and nearly completely hopeless.
25+ years of terrible disappointment, pain, and suffering.


I have CPTSD from child abuse. I can't tell you how many therapists have told me, " you can only manage your symptoms, but you can't be cured." Therapy becomes a glorified form of bullying almost. I won't give up on myself.


A majority of my depression definitely comes from not having anything I feel like is worth being alive for. Never really did ever. It's just becoming too much to power through the bullshit that is life without a really good reason. I don't consider simply being alive a good reason.


What’s worse though is when you’re poor and don’t have the money to get help. It’s food or a better life…


That Dark Souls/Mario analogy was spot on for me (One of the five people who understood it.) Not everyone gets to live their life with powerups and extra lives. Some of us have to crawl on our knees and fight tooth and nail, hoping and praying a bonfire is just around the corner so we don't lose everything we've fought for.


It’s not malpractice, its malevolence


I attempted it many years ago. We used to tell people "depression lies, " and that the lies are the ideas that "things will never get better" or "you'd be better off dead." Now, it seems more doctors and politicians would rather accept that lie because it's easier and less expensive than saving lives. It's horrifying.


This video should go viral. A lot of people need to hear these words 😢


As a mental health professional myself, working with addicts I am appalled, embarrassed, and broken hearted by this story.
That is NOT client centered, has no unconditional positive regard, No compassion!!
Whoever that practioner is they need to leave the profession. 😢😢

We ALL deserve care, compassion.


"Nobody is qualified to tell you that you are hopeless." 💯 Thank you for being such a powerful voice
