The Best Ways to Support Your Teenager Through College Applications

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Do you want to help your teenager with the college application process but are unsure how?

Get Ready to Learn More About:

- How to help your teen stay organized

- Ways to reduce stress during the application process

- Tips for providing the right kind of support

Meet the Panelists

Admissions Counselor - Harvard University

Keisha has earned a Master’s from Harvard Graduate School of Education and has served in admissions as an Interviewer at Wesleyan University. She has nine years of experience in college admissions coaching, successfully guiding diverse candidates through the application process. Throughout her career, Keisha has helped students gain admission to prestigious institutions, such as Harvard University, Brown University, Carnegie Mellon, UC Berkeley, Yale University, MIT, and more. Professionally, Keisha serves as Assistant Program Director at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Keisha finds immense joy in serving as the compass that leads students through this transformative experience, witnessing the unfolding narratives of each individual and helping them crystallize their aspirations into compelling college applications. Believing in the profound power of education to shape lives, Keisha is dedicated to playing a pivotal role in helping students unlock doors to their dreams.

Her coaching approach is built on a foundation of empathy, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the nuances within the college admissions landscape. Keisha takes pride in fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where students feel comfortable expressing their authentic selves—a cornerstone in crafting compelling personal narratives that resonate with admissions committees.

Admissions Counselor - University of Pennsylvania & University of Chicago

Marina received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. After her undergraduate studies, Marina received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She has since worked as a research analyst for some of the world's most reputed companies including Yahoo!, The Kraft Heinz Company, Hyatt Hotels, and Facebook.

Additionally, Marina has participated as a member of the admissions committee at the University of Chicago and as an interviewer at both UChicago and UPenn. Within these positions, she reviewed college application packages and interviewed candidates, providing recommendations to the final admissions committee. She has coached many college applicants who have achieved admission at the University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan, and the University of Chicago, among others.
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