How to manage Microsoft SPLA properly

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Are you a Services Provider? Do you have a Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) with Microsoft? Let's talk about common pitfalls and ways to avoid them.

Why should you care? $500,000 reasons. This is about how much we have saved in total in several SPLA Audit Defence exercises.

But how and why did those providers get into such a situation in the first place? This, and how not to repeat their mistakes, is what we're talking about.

Presented by Alexander Golev of SAMexpert.

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SAMexpert is an independent management consultancy focused on Microsoft. We help you get a fair deal, reduce costs, stay compliant, and survive audits.

Want us to solve your FinOps and licensing headaches?



00:00 Hello and welcome
06:40 First audience questions about SPLA
08:32 What are the main frustrations in Microsoft SPLA business
18:13 Know your contractual obligations in SPLA
20:40 How can you indemnify, protect yourselves from non-compliance claims
25:33 The rules of BYOL, or how end-customers may bring their own licenses
32:50 What is the contractual structure to enable BYOL
35:23 Using volume licenses for hosting instead of SPLA
37:10 How one provider may use another provider's data centre
39:00 Your compliance obligations in SPLA (aside from the licenses)
41:41 You must provide auditors access to your servers, but what is a server?
43:34 Rules for end-customers on dedicated (single-tenant) hardware
46:05 Internal use of SPLA licences (by you)
48:26 The importance of knowing what services you provide
53:17 Do you develop solutions for your end customers? Watch this now!
55:10 Reasons why you must know your scope really well (with recommendations)
58:41 Let's talk about inventory and reporting data
1:01:18 What about SPLA reporting tools and solutions?
1:04:10 Forget and re-learn licensing rules! SPLA is different.
1:08:55 Top 5 ways to maximise your SPLA ROI (and margins!)
1:14:16 Answering the audience questions (yours!)

#Microsoft #SPLA #MicrosoftLicensing

Please watch: "Negotiate a Better Microsoft EA Deal in 2025"
Рекомендации по теме

How do we ensure compliance for software installed on VM's that are not accessible?
Must we remove the administrative capabilities from the end customer so that non-eligible products are not installed? (since you say we do not have to have access but are ultimately responsible for software deployed within the SPLA environment)
