How Do Bones Work? Human Skeleton Facts for Kids - What is the Skeleton? - Skeleton Facts for Kids

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At a certain age, the kids start to ask lots of questions about the world they are living in and this include their bodies and the organs they have inside. Why do we have bones in our bodies and how do they work? There are lots of skeleton facts for the kids that we would like to share.

Do you want to know what the bones are responsible for or what they are made of? Let us take you through this journey. Think about it, will your body stand straight in the same posture it would without having those strong bones inside? Most probably no, it will appear like a piece of jelly and you will not be able to stand and walk around.

Aaron was exploring the world of bones since he was watching Scooby-Doo and saw this skeleton which appeared on the screen in front of him. He started asking himself questions like why do we have bones in our bodies and then he made his research and came up with some good answers.

The bones make the framework of our bodies and this we eventually refer to as "the skeleton". The bones have lots of jobs which they serve the body with: they actually help the human body to stand up straight and support the body, the bones also protect some parts of the body which are soft and squishy, such as the heart, the lungs and the liver.

What are the bones made of? A lot of people, especially kids, think that the bones are one part material and this is not the case. The bones are made up of different parts; 70 percent of the bones are made from hard minerals like calcium. Most human bones have four different parts: the first one is the periosteum which is the outer part of the bone and it is a thin, very dense layer that has nerves and blood vessels. The second part is the compact bone which is smooth and very hard. Cancellous bone comes next, it is the third part of the bones which looks like a sponge but is much stronger. The last and fourth part of the bones is the bone marrow and this looks like a jelly and it makes new blood cells for the body.

How many bones does the human body has? We are not all the same, the babies have more bones than adults do, but this does not mean that the body will lose some bones during the journey of growing up but babies are not yet used to the right ways of moving their body and this protects them from getting any bones broken easily and this also happens because most of the baby bones are made partly or completely of cartilage which is slowly replaced by harder bones when the body grow harder and heavier - some bones also come together to make one bigger bone at the end. The bodies of the babies have more than 300 parts of bones but by the time they become adults, they end up having 206 bones.

Now, do you know how these bones in your body help you to move? The place where any two bones meet is called a joint and this joint is sometimes fixed and don't move, some joints move a little just as those in the spine and there are those joints that move a lot which will also need muscles.

It is important to keep the bones healthy through eating healthy food and most importantly through drinking milk and eating dairy food because these give the bones the calcium they need, and make sure to make some exercise to protect your bones.

Hope you enjoyed those bones facts for kids!

LearningMole focuses on educating children of all ages. We offer advice and practical, interactive ideas to help parents challenge, homeschool, teach and develop their children’s skills at home.
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