Rapture Amir Tsarfati, vs Jose Salinas Pre vs Post Tribulation

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Hello Everyone; welcome to this practice debate with Amir Tsarfati with Behold Israel because he teaches what I was taught in Bible College.

Yet, I'm hoping many will email him asking him to reason or debate me for the love of truth to stop division in the church. Because I discovered that the Pre-Tribulation doctrine is a misunderstanding, or someone is setting us up for the falling away event before they build the third Temple.

Nonetheless, I heard he's a Jew from the tribe of Judah, as I am too, yet they are required to protect the Temple, so I hope he helps me prepare Christians and Jews before they build it.

▶️ The 7 things I will share:
1. Pre versus post-tribulation teacher's timeline
2. Who are the fallen away when they see the third temple
3. Review the three temple timelines
4. Review the book of revelation timeline
5. Why some teach the church is not mentioned in Revelation 4 to 19
6. Why some teach the rapture is not a salvation issue
7. Review the rapture definition

▶️ Please check out my Rapture debate playlist; it's a series where I ask people to email every major teacher (1) to unite and help me end division in the church (2), so we can name the real enemy causing WWIII (3) prepare the Godly for the Third Temple so they will not run troubled when they hear scoffers mocking those who will fall away because they were promised not to see the last seven years. Yet, the truth is six of the seven trumpet Angels are commanded to Passover the Godly like the days of Moses.

▶️Why do I feel qualified to talk about this topic? Because I’m publishing books coming soon.
1: “The Holy Bible” re-arranged back in its Historical Chronological Order. A Cambridge Edition: (AKJV) 1611-1909 That helps us read it like a history book & understand what happened inside the 1st & 2nd Temple,
2: “The Book of Revelation original scroll layout “ Volume-1, a Cross-Reference book. That helps us understand the Seven-Seal Judgments, Third Temple, and Rapture Timeline by paralleling the events ourselves so no one will ever deceive us and prepares us for the Third Temple.
3: “Church History 2,000 Year chart” parallels the book of Revelation Seven Seals. This shows that 5 of the 7-Seals came to pass during the Roman Persecution and the Catholic Inquisitions, who made war with the Saints because they would not accept the mark or image of the beast. (law & idol of the kingdom).

▶️ 7 tips that identify the beast (2-branch government) that causes WAR (Rev, 13, 16, 17)
Rome & U.N. is the One World Government trying to enforce the New World Order by 2030
1: First beast (Lawless State) Revived Roman Empire & his 3-allies; under the United Nations (U.N.)
2: Second beast (Lawless Church) false prophet 2-horn lamb (Catholic & Ecumenical Christians)
3: Image of the beast (idol of the kingdom) the queen of heaven from the Catholic Church
4: Mark of the beast (laws & doctrines) of the Rome that make you sin, contrary to God’s laws
5: Name of the beast (Revived Roman Empire) that has a man’s name “Roman” adds to “666”
6: Mystery Babylon (Revived beast) under a different name that worships the dragon in secrete 17:
7: Three evil spirits like frogs are Satan’s forces; U.N. (State), Catholic (Church), NATO (Military) 16:3


Thumbnail from YouTube video
Amir Tsarfati: How Close Are We to the Rapture? Premiered Apr 22, 2022

See complete details on our website for education, criticism, comment... Scripture from mainly the Authorized Kings James Version (AKJV) paraphrased. Charts Copyright © 2000-2022 By Jose Oscar Salinas, All Rights Reserved.

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I pray that the pre-trib followers will wake up and see that we Will have to go through the tribulation, they are so being lied to !!! I was a pre- trib believer until 6 months ago, but am now a Post- trib believer, I pray that they will wake up and not be apart of the great falling away !!! God Bless !!


At about 15' mark on the chart point nr 5
At the last trumpet. Revelation wasn't written in Paul's time. He was referring to the feasts of trumpets in Leviticus.


You are very misunderstood yourself and the reason he is not responding to debate is because it is not worth the time so do so we as Christians are not to have anything to do with works of darkness and arguments if you want to be here for judgements that's on you


The title is deceptive. Not worth listening


I am happy to say that my pastor does not preach pre-trib. When the Lord comes to get us, it is the end.


"Will the Jewish people love a 45 year old, catholic, polish women as their Jewish Messiah" That's how I already revealed myself back in October. My name is MAGDALENA this time. If that's not enough proof that JESUS was a Messiah then there is another one. Everything God showed me and told me happened outside. GOD IS NOT INSIDE THE CHURCHES. TIME FOR CHANGE IS NOW😥🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊


Amen brother!!! This is amazing….Maranatha


I'm pre-trib, but look...NONE of those men will debate you, & the same would hold true if they were a "newbie" with 300 or so subscribers on their channel who was "pre-trib" and were out to debate a well known "post-trib" individual. Just wanting to put that out there. All the best to you though in your search for truth, *_M A R A N A T H A!_*


Greetings of peace,

I testify that on 21 December 2006, through Deut 4:1-516 and John 14:6-7, God revealed truth to me, which is the picture or statue woul liken the image of Jesus is idol.

Because of God's will, I testified since January 2007 (Isaiah 44:8-9).

Give Ear Unto Me O My Nation

Isaiah 51:4 Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people. 51:5 My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust.

Psalm 85:8 I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.

Acts 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: 17:31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

Psalm 81:13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! 81:14 I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.


Sir, I don't think it's Amir who is causing the devision here. He and these other men don't owe you a debate because they are clear on their belief and their reasons and their proof with their books and ministry and information on their ministry websites.
Let People believe whichever view they want for the end times It's not a salvation issue.
