May 2022 Cash Envelope Stuffing | Emergency Fund + Self Care

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Life Of Cherry
P.O Box 1021
Bronx, NY 10451

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Items mentioned in the video:

A6 Cash Envelopes

Home Is Where The Heart Is Savings Challenge

100 Envelope Challenge

Car Maintenance Savings Challenge

Travel Savings Challenge

Amazon Must Haves for Saving / Boss Babes:

Motivational Journal

Boss Babe Notebook

Daily Planner:

Cash Envelope Wallet

Cash Tray

Stickers For Envelopes

Highlighters for Savings Challenges

Fine Point Color Pens

Girl Boss Notebook

$100 Bill Piggy Bank

Coin Bank

Rich Dad Poor Dad


Check Out My Latest Videos Here:

$5 Savings Challenge Update (April 2022)

Pack Orders With Me

Cash Envelope Stuffing


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Hi! First timer here! Try dry erase marker, either black or same color, to erase Sharpie by writing right over it. It re-activates the ink and then you can wipe off. Keep up the good work!


Came across this video because it popped up in my random feed. I find it very educational and useful and as you say, therapeutic.


I love ❤️ coloring things in. I feel like I made great progress. I love your binders. Great video girl.


Hey! I am so late at watching videos don't mind me. I dig those nails, I wish I could do mine long but I don't want to damage the nature nails I have, I work with my hands so it would be hard. Great stuffing and it is a great color!


Your nails match the color of your candle.


Hey Cherry! I am also completing an Emergency Savings Challenge, and I have $800 so far. 🤗


Evening Cherry.. You are doing good on the ef..I’m working on my next $1000 man it’s going slow as a dang turtle.. but I’m consistent..I’m at $1306.00
