LambdaConf 2015 - Give me Freedom or Forgeddaboutit Joseph Abrahamson

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The Haskell community is often abuzz about free monads and if you stick around for long enough you'll also see notions of free monoids, free functors, yoneda/coyoneda, free seminearrings, etc. Clearly "freedom" is a larger concept than just Free f a ~ f (Free f) + a. This talk explores briefly the origins of "freedom" in Category Theory, explains what it means for you to have a "free X" for any thing X, and talks a little bit about some useful free structures which exist in Haskell.

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I watched this like a year ago or so and it all went over my head. now things were way clearer. time to head over to hackage and check out the MonadFree typeclass ^^


Soooo good! Thanks for organizing that discovery!


thanks, turns out my understanding of free monads was quite limited lol
