8 Ways to Reduce Anxiety in Pregnancy

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I’ve worked with plenty of mothers, both 1-1 and in my hypnobirthing classes who feel some level of anxiety during pregnancy. It may be caused by significant trauma, or it may be little worries that whirl around your brain and body making you feel on edge.

When you're pregnant, or a mother, there are lots of things to worry about; Pregnancy issues, the baby, your other children, career or financial, accommodation changes, relationship dramas, health problems…

There are two good reasons why you want to reduce anxiety, Firstly, it feels horrible. the nervy on-edge feeling that undermines confidence and contentment. It’s very unpleasant. And secondly, it messes with your hormones.

When you feel anxious, stress hormones and the sympathetic nervous system are activated. Many of us modern day stress cadets are running around with that fight/flight system on alert way too much of the time. For optimal health, we only want to use that emergency system 5% of the time. Contrastingly our parasympathetic nervous system operates when we feel at ease, and this is the system we need on duty 95% of the time for good health and happiness.

In this video you'll find 8 Ways to Reduce Anxiety in Pregnancy
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Hi Anna! I loved your video and your tips for dealing with anxiety. You have such a soothing voice and I love your accent (I’m from the States 🇺🇸). I tried to sign up for on your website but it looks like the site was taken down.


so thankful i found this video.really struggling, but already feeling more in control.
thank you thank you thank you


My girl is anxious and depressed all the time ever since she became pregnant
