Di5Menit - Andien

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Di5Menit 2nd Season are ready for your entertainment. This season @davehendrik and @ivybatuta are inviting their friends to share the 5 minutes conversation on numerous subjects!
Subscribe DI 5 MENIT YouTube channel and get the updates!
A production of @Studio47id @glennprasetya . Creative content @davehendrik @ivybatuta . Make up and hairdo @ourmakeupproject (+6281290021772)
Who knew that a 5 minutes conversations can be so entertaining!
Subscribe DI 5 MENIT YouTube channel and get the updates!
A production of @Studio47id @glennprasetya . Creative content @davehendrik @ivybatuta . Make up and hairdo @ourmakeupproject (+6281290021772)
Who knew that a 5 minutes conversations can be so entertaining!
Di5Menit - Andien
DI5Menit-Episode 5 (Berkuah Vs Kering)
DI5Menit-Episode 14 (Thanking Our Parents)
Andien & Ippe goes to Turkey: Last Day (PART 3)
DI5Menit-Episode 13 (Biggest Lie To Your Parents)
Gaya berbusana dan make up Natural ala Andien
Menjadi Seorang Penyanyi Andien Tidak Bisa Lepas Dari Penggunaan Make Up
DI5Menit-Episode 19 (Why We Love American Idol)
DI5Menit-Episode 16 (Small Things That Make You Happy)
DI5Menit-Episode 17 (Adab Bersosial Media)
Di5Menit - Ivan Gunawan
Transformasi gaya fashion Andien
DI5Menit-Episode 15 (Kapan Kawin?)
Di5Menit - Uchita Pohan
Di5Menit - Melaney Ricardo
DI5Menit-Episode 12 (Smoker Vs Non Smoker)
Di5Menit - Novita Angie
Di5Menit - Becky Tumewu
DI5Menit-Episode 20 (Introvert VS Ekstrovert)
DI5Menit - Episode 1 (Setiap Nama Punya Arti Baik)
DI5Menit - Episode 6 (Bad Investment Stories)
Andien Mulai Persiapan Diri Jalani Program Anak Dengan Jaga Asupan Makan
The Beginning Of My Healthy Lifestyle I Andien Aisyah
Di5Menit - Rian Ibram