SAFe® Agile Training EP2 | What Is Scrum? | Scaled Agile Framework | Leading SAFe® Training

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In order to help Certified SAFe® 5 practitioners, SAFe® Program Consultant, product manager, release train engineer, and SAFe community. We are running SAFe Thursday to help every one of you in the SAFe community to grow, be better in consulting, and explore all sorts of challenges during your practice.

So let's into the Expert Talk ASK an SPCT

#SAFeAgileTraining #LeadingSAFeTraining #ScaledAgileFramework

Agile Manifesto does tell us about the values and principles but it does not tell us HOW to achieve that. There are many Agile frameworks that support that but Scrum is the most popular one so far.

So Agile come first or Scrum?

To your surprise, the practice of Scrum actually exist way before Agile Manifesto ;)

So Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. Based on empiricism and with the using of PDCA cycle to check and balance, and learn from experience.

3-3-5-3 in Scurm
3 Pillars of Scrum: Transparency, Inspection & Adaptation

3 Roles of Scrum: Scrum Master, Product Owner and Developers

5 Events of Scrum: Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Standup, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective,

3 Artifacts: Product Backlogs, Sprint Backlogs, Increment
Scrum is simple to understand but difficult to master.

Scrum Process:
1. Stakeholder tell product owner what they wants
2. Product vision turn into product backlog. ONE universal source of requirements manager by the Product Owner, PO
3. Product Owner, PO, prioritize which is important and which to deliver first
4. In Sprint Planning we pick what we work on and estimate the velocity to know how much we can complete as a team based on current capacity. We also get in subject mater expert if necessary.
5. We then turn what we chose and decide into Sprint Backlog. In Sprint Backlog we derive our Sprint Goal, what are we going to do and how we are going to do it.
6. Execute your Sprint based on timebox
7. At the of Sprint we will follow by our Sprint Review to look at how we work, what work and what doesn't. Sometimes we invite stakeholder to come in to offer their advice or buy off.
8. Next we will have the product increment and whether it meets the definition of done, DoD
9. We will end with Sprint Retrospective to feedback on people, process, communication, quality.
10. Backlog refinement will specify the updated changes

**This is the uncut, unedited excerpts from our Leading SAFe class recording. The actual Leading SAFe Training from one of our clients**

Find out which topics interested you the most and you can jump right into those chapter.

Chapter Marker
0:00 Introduction
0:10 What is Scrum?
4:54 Scrum Roles
5:35 Scrum Events
6:22 Scrum Artifacts
8:27 Scrum Process

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