Car Number Plate Detection OpenCV Python | Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) using Python

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Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) using Python
In this Video tutorial, we will showing the output of Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Machine Learning and python programming language. We will use python tesseract for the digit and character extraction from the license plate and OpenCV Python is used for identify the license number plates. We build a Code and model that will automatically recognize the Car License Plate.
Automatic Vehicle License Number Plate Recognition System :-
1. Prediction of ANPR can utilize by basic technique for image processing.
2. Advanced ANPR system use dedicated object detectors like YOLO, Faster R-CNN, HOG + Linear SVM, SSD to localize number plates in image.
3. ANPR software uses Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) in order to better OCRing of text from number plates.
Project Functionality:-
1. Dataset is download from Kaggle and place in project folder.
2. Model is developed from large dataset of images and videos and label dataset.
3. User have to gave input image or video to model and first model will detect Number Plate and then recognize text or number from license plate and complete image stored in separate folder.
Software Requirements:-
● Python,
Hardware Requirement:-
● Webcam
● Processor-i3
● Hard disk-5GB
● Memory-2GB RAM
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In this Video tutorial, we will showing the output of Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Machine Learning and python programming language. We will use python tesseract for the digit and character extraction from the license plate and OpenCV Python is used for identify the license number plates. We build a Code and model that will automatically recognize the Car License Plate.
Automatic Vehicle License Number Plate Recognition System :-
1. Prediction of ANPR can utilize by basic technique for image processing.
2. Advanced ANPR system use dedicated object detectors like YOLO, Faster R-CNN, HOG + Linear SVM, SSD to localize number plates in image.
3. ANPR software uses Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) in order to better OCRing of text from number plates.
Project Functionality:-
1. Dataset is download from Kaggle and place in project folder.
2. Model is developed from large dataset of images and videos and label dataset.
3. User have to gave input image or video to model and first model will detect Number Plate and then recognize text or number from license plate and complete image stored in separate folder.
Software Requirements:-
● Python,
Hardware Requirement:-
● Webcam
● Processor-i3
● Hard disk-5GB
● Memory-2GB RAM
☎️ Contact Us For More Queries:-
📲 Call/WhatsApp: +91-9460060699
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