NO MATTER HOW HARD IT GETS - Best Advice from Shaolin Monk

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Every year there are several retreats that are taking place in the monastery where Master Shi Heng Yi is living.

More insights and free Training instructions of Shifu Shi Heng Yi can be found on:

Produced and Filmed by MulliganBrothers

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Being someone who has a physical disability life is not always kind to me and sometimes I want to give up, then I snap out of it and keep going.


He who keeps on going even when life becomes difficult is a warrior 🎉


Everytime I hear this Shaolin Monk speak, he espouses true wisdom. "Now that you have been through that hardness; now you can be the guide for others" - exactly.


This conversation is helping me through the worst time in my entire life.Thank you!


Based outlook. My mom passed away a few months ago. I miss her so much but how can I not be equally grateful to have come from her and be raised by her? I'm also broke as a joke right now but how can I not be equally grateful I'm not as broke as some people in my life. How dare I waste time feeling sorry for myself? It's selfish to dwell incessantly like that. My mom said to me before she passed, "can you not cry? It doesn't help". She smiled to her death. Told me how handsome and big I've become. She smiled on her last day even in pain. I better smile too.


Sometimes people think being strong means being hard, unfeeling, and ruthless, but the Shaolin monks show us how to be strong, caring, and compassionate. Rather than using their strength to bring others down they use it to help others up and teach them to be strong.


Compassion and Wisdom.
Two of things that don't exist on social media.


I had asked Master Yi in another format, how he would handle it if he were to lose his vision… I asked this because this is a possibility in my life, and I have dealt with it for 20 years, never knowing if I will be able to see tomorrow. I handle this now by cherishing everything I see and taking nothing for granted. Every full moon, no matter what the weather or where I am I make sure to go out and look at it and thank the universe that I can see it. This interview was very good For me as an answer from the master, because it is very easy to lose compassion when you are going through something hard. Thank you for this video and thank you for sharing it with us.


In 14 months I have had to put my Mum in long term care for Alzheimers, I was diagnosed with Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma during the height of the pandemic and had to have surgery to remove part of my right kidney. A follow up scan showed 2 more tumors that I just had removed in December. I had to move to a different city 1200 miles away, my sister in law died of septic shock, my Mother in law had a massive heart attack right in front of me. She is now 80 and lives with us now that her health is failing. During all of this I thanked God everyday. No, life is not always fair or just. I just do the best I can with what I have while I am on this earth and live each day being kind. It is very easy to say why me? What have I done? Will this ever end? Be happy and be kind ✌❤


Really going through rough times. Times have always been rough for me. Hope this phase will toughen me up for future rough times.


Love to listen to this guy. Really smart. We should have teachers like that in every school!!!


"A pessimists see difficulty in every opportunity, an Optimist sees Opportunity in every difficulty"


Good advice, providing that all your friends and loved ones haven't already abandoned you in your own hardship.


I love the sound of his voice. Very soothing and wise.


Finally a video of this guy with no music


i've always pride myself a warrior in never giving up my entire life no matter what happened, until something really unbearable happened in 2020 which shook me down to the core and broke me. been struggling to get back up ever since and wondering what happened to the old me.


I have been listening to Master Shi Heng Yi for a while now when I go walking. This is one of the few times I have watched and listened and I can't express how much joy it added to see that dog beside him. Fantastic.


Not just compassion and wisdom are important but also perspective.


The one who keeps on going even if the biggest challenge forces them to their knees; they are not a warrior, they are not a mage, they are not an angel and not a god. but they are a scholar. a student of life that is passing its tests with the most brilliant and exemplary results a human being can achieve.


A monk who loves dogs!!!! Simply for this, Master, I love you.
