Panel Discussion: Green Bitcoin and CO2 Compensation

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The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center and have recently published a study outlining a new approach on how to offset the CO2 emissions caused by the Bitcoin network. The study outlines a two-pronged flexible carbon compensation model, in line with Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 emissions, for investors, asset managers, crypto exchanges, and custodians. With this approach, interested parties can adjust their carbon offset strategy over time according to their corresponding business model focusing on either the number of Bitcoins held or on the proportional network usage in relation to the Bitcoin blockchain growth during a specific period of time.

In their report, they try to explore this question and present a CO2 footprint calculation model that allows various stakeholders in the Bitcoin ecosystem to adjust their carbon offset strategy.

Together with several experts on digital assets who have also conducted research on sustainability, we will be hosting a panel to discuss “Green Bitcoin and CO2 Compensation”

We will elaborate on the following questions:
- Which instruments are viable in order to make Bitcoin more environmentally friendly?
- What is the difference between transaction-based network usage and ownership-based network usage?
- In which way can the carbon footprint of Bitcoin be calculated or estimated?
- How can Bitcoin become a more sustainable investment?
- What are the changes to be expected in the (near) future regarding Bitcoins sustainability, as well as regulation (e.g. European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)?
- How can the study be used to track carbon emissions of Bitcoin?
- Is there a possibility to tokenize saved CO2?
- Will there be demand from individual investors to improve their personal carbon footprint in the near future?
- How can we take responsibility and contribute to environmental sustainability when investing in Bitcoin?

Participants of the webinar
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (moderator)
- Benjamin Schaub,
- Sarah Rentschler-Gerloff, SettleMint
- Dominik Poiger, Iconic Holding
- Thomas Langbein, Blocksize Capital

About the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC) is a think tank and research center primarily focusing on the implications of blockchain technology for companies and businesses. In addition to the development of blockchain prototypes, the center offers a platform for exchanging knowledge and thought for decision-makers and startups as well as technology and industry experts. The FSBC sets new research impulses and develops education programs for students and executives. The center concentrates primarily on the areas of banking, energy, mobility, and the manufacturing industry.

Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
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