Digimon TCG | The Color Talk - The Test Color and most PUNISHED Color

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#digimontcg #digimoncardgame #digimonessay #essayvideo #colordiscussion #colors #digimonmechanics #punishedcolors #testcolors #green #purple #restrictionlist

Today's video is an essay style format that follows up from my previous video on power with colors and how they've grown. Here, I use the restriction list as a sort of guideline as to where cards are powerful and why they are punished. But one color in my mind stands out as being a test color of sorts that paves the way for others.
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I think that another reason purple is so powerful (and why it has so many cards restricted) is because, different from other decks, it can use the trash pile, and for those that have played modern yu-gi-oh should know, the trash/graveyard is a very powerful resource that if you can tap into can make for a ridiculous deck.


The reason purple keeps getting “punished” is because the designers have backed themselves into a wall and continue to do so. I play a couple purple decks and it is plain to see how much more flexibility they have in deckbuilding as a consequence.

Consider this: they have hit purple the most, yet three of the most relevant decks right now (Looga, Levia, and Seccon to an extent) are purple. All of them have effective removal, and two of them have insane damage output. With limited interaction points. Leviamon is less offensive to me due to how memory inefficient it can be and how it punishes other decks that keep reviving bodies, and Looga can kinda just do whatever it wants unless you take a significant amount of sacrifices in deckbuilding to tech multiple counters against it. Surely, Purple will continue getting hit as long as they keep printing cards that let the color effectively break the rules of the game.


Wow! I can totally see it now with Green. It could have been so power but all the “test concepts” get passed to other colors.


I think purple is inherently the best color being able to interact with the trash. You just increase your trash through out the game and thus it increases the card pool you can play with.
Yellow is in a similar situation since it plays with security but security decreases over time so the power towards the end of the game decreases.


The trash/grave/discard pile is in almost any card game always a ticking time bomb of being broken. It was the reason why at the start of the game, as soon as I saw purple as the color that plays with trash, I picked it as my color. It figures that all of the purple cards that got restricted dealt with using the trash as a resource or helped fill it up quicker. Bandai is gonna have to print effects in every color to deal with the opponent's trash, or we will just repeat this cycle of new purple restrictions every few sets.


I get most of your points on green being the test color, but not the last one for playing digimon for reduced/no cost. Playing purple digimon by effect for no cost is one of purples main things, in bt2 being the main effect of the SR boss monsters. It’s been in basically every set for purple since then. Sure, green had bt2 argomon inherit, but it was a side thing, green doesn’t even see another play by effect green card until ancientTroymon in bt6, if you even want to count that since the on deletion play a lvl4 hybrid is just a generic ten warriors mega effect. Eventually every color got a play by effect for no/reduced cost archetype, but purple definitely paved the way for it first, and it’s a fairly generic purple thing. I’d hope purple can do it better (but not Anubis level of better, I wish it was balanced) considering all of this.


For a video talking about colors getting punished, it's kinda shocking that you didn't talk about how Bandai was terrified of printing strong green cards for a solid year after Ceresmon. It may not have the most cards on the banlist, but green is definitely the most punished color in this game.


I am not surprised purple is a problem color in the Digimon TCG. Its whole identity is "discard cards, get extra value for sacrificing cards, recur cards from the trash". That one color is a self-perpetuating engine; you discard to generate effects and draw cards, you sacrifice your board state for more value (because sacrificing a card is meant to be a downside, so you get advantage for doing so, but because purple is the sacrifice color they need to have cards that generate value upon being sacrificed so now you're just getting double value), and then it doesn't matter what ends up in your trash because you can just bring it back later. Having so much control over card flow in a TCG is a one-way ticket to power. Every TCG I've ever played has had notably powerful decks that all revolve around mining the discard pile for value because it's getting value out of something that is "supposed" to be where all your spent resources go, so while all the other colors use their resources and dump them into the trash, purple is using their resources and then recycling those resources out of the trash for more resources.


Frankly, with bt16, I was surprised that they didn’t do dual colour
Digi eggs for space e.g Nyaromon and Poromon as one card for the Silphymon deck.

And, with the advent of hybrid returning, I wonder how messy things will get.


the power of trash and deleting opponent by level is the best way to delete in my opinion


Purple will continue to be punished the most because there isn't much to counter how fast and consistent purple is by having basically two hands.

Cards like imperialdramon paladin mode ace are a good start tho, but we need more.


Purple havin access to their trash is just too powerful since it's basically a second hand. Outside of yellow, no other color has so many resources. Yellow have their security as a second hand. But purple can have their whole deck within a few turns in their trash and therefor access so many more resources. Purple is just too strong.


digimon still needs more fairies and plant bloomlordmon could be a good addition, but plant digimon still needs more species. as a level 4 banana or coconut palm tree


Purple gets the most "punishment" because having access to the trash (discard zone) is always inherently a problem in every card game. MtG, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc... There is almost no way to balance the discard zone, when the player has access to it. Other card game attempts to use floodgates against the mechanic, but then just also introduce answers to said floodgates. Or they try to "remove the cards" from the discard zone, but then creates another problem when players are given access to that new zone. If a player has access to the discard zone, then those cards basically remain in said player's hand; when a player inherently has "infinite" hand size and their opponent does not, it will never be fair.


I don’t think this is a color game anymore. It’s more archetype based. Most cards will digivolve on certain Digimon regardless of color. Options are even going this way.


Right now we need a few more Multi Colored Rookies


List of cards that made me go "they have no idea what they are doing":

Marcus Damon BT12 (free digievolutions are green mechanics)
Emissary of Hope BT15 (again giving green mechanics to other colors)
Bukamon BT14 and Kyaromon BT13 (why would you give Jamming to an egg?)
Apocallymon (they didn't test that at all, not even 1 game)


Multi colored eggs are inevitable, but I think if you can add some sort of restriction that they can ONLY be used for specific archetype support (ex. Blue/Green egg ONLY for Examon, Red/Purple egg ONLY for Imperialdramon), they can exist without being overwhelming. But I also don’t see that happening and once the floodgate is open every deck will run dual color eggs.


There is a lot to unpack here.
First of all, the upcoming BT16 meta will have plenty of green in it. Rapidmon, Kabuterimon, Imperialdramon. However you're not wrong that a lot of the green decks were weak. Rosemon, Angoramon and Tyrannomon all underperformed.

On the matter of color balance, people should look at Magic the Gathering, not Yugioh.
Yes, the graveyard as a "second hand" is powerful, but the problem is rather that the purple trash synergy cards are too cheap, not that they exist at all. Bandai can fix this by just not printing more undercosted trash synergy cards.

More worrisome in my opinion is that they introduced 3 color cards. If they make too many of those, then you end up in a situation where every deck can use the best cards of every color.
Removal and protection are also a difficult balance. Right now yellow's -DP removal is by far the best, but it will become weaker when powercreep makes everything gain tons of +DP.


imagine a red egg that gives +1 security attack
