Remember Why You Chose to Become Human | A Channeled Message

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You chose to become human. Your soul always remembers the reasons why you chose to incarnate. Receive a channeled message to help you connect with your soul and remember your soul's purpose.

Life can become confusing with an overload of spiritual teachings, New Age concepts and philosophies. Who are we? Why did we come here? What is the purpose of life? Am I more than human?

Remember who you are beyond this human experience and live a life with purpose and inner guidance.

With the help of these channeled Higher Self teachings and energies you can reconnect to your soul's wisdom. Living a life of blissful love is possible and easy to attain with correct guidance and a sincere desire to awaken. Let me Channel Higher Self videos support you during your journey of spiritual awakening.

Blessings and Love.

Satsang with the Self video series by Channel Higher Self

June 16, 2022

Remember Why You Chose to Become Human | A Channeled Message

The Higher Self Teachings are presented by Lincoln Gergar, the channel for Higher Self. Since 2007 Lincoln has shared over 2,600 free spiritual teachings to help human beings evolve on their spiritual paths. The Higher Self Teachings provide a direct spiritual path that will connect you to your Higher Self, increase your experience of Divine Love, eternal peace and creative power. The Higher Self is our Inner Guru, our connection to God Within.

Рекомендации по теме

I have a hard time keeping my eyes closed because I resonate with watching you channel higher self! Thanks for the inspiration and understanding as I begin my spiritual awakening! Cheers!


You are a true master of peace… thank you.


The universe is knocking on my hearts'door, and I am inviting


OMW, your message was exactly what i needed to hear now. I literally just wrote to a spiritual teacher on YouTube asking for their guidance.

Then I see this rather brief video from you Lincoln, and it has directly answered/addressed my spiritual life purpose question. Like 100%. I have been tormented by doubt and confusion... but your message answered it for me. Thank you. 😮 🙏🙏🙏


🤣🤣🤣 we came here to experience "lessons" because we love ourselves SO much that we cause pain, trials, tribulations, trauma, soul fragmentation, being attacked by Archons and then the humans still tell us we are not doing enough, not good enough and that we are lazy when in fact our avatar is in SO much physical pain, NO one understands or believes us... however if we don't keep our vibration high then its our own fault any way?
All because we LOVE ourselves and our soul SO much
Oh, and our words are SO powerful that when we sing a song on the radio, it puts a spell on the whole collective...AND the galactic federation is watching and orchestrating it all. All of us like little pawns, and they say we have FREEWILL
While they hold back manifestations and tell us we aren't at the right vibration to receive it
Before we agree to come here, they made it sound SO wonderful and exciting that we were coming here, to help everyone and it was gonna be fun, and exciting... THEY LIED TO GET US HERE
