TOP 10 WEAPONS For SteelPath in Warframe 2023

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Welcome to a new year my good tenno and today we are talking about the Top 10 Weapons for Steelpath in Warframe 2023 i hope you guys enjoy and i hope you enjoy what's to come from this channel this year!

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0:00 - 0:32 Intro
0:32 - 1:42 Phenmor
1:42 - 2:41 Cedo
2:41 - 4:29 Convectrix
4:29 - 5:45 Phantasma
5:45 - 6:54 Laetum
6:54 - 8:06 Sporelacer Kitgun
8:06 - 9:04 Epitaph
9:04 - 10:16 Cerata
10:16 - 11:04 Glaive Prime
11:04 - 11:58 Nikana Prime
11:58 - 12:18 Outro
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I'm too lazy, just Khora or Protea. No guns required 🤣🤣🤣


Worth of knowing - Convectrix "efficient beams" is nightwave mod, and right now is placed on market for around 120 plat. Combining it with Riven (depends whether you'll buy god-like riven or roll your own trash riven for Convectrix) may or may not make this build expensive.


My top 5 primaries for steel path are:
1. Incarnon Guns: I'm including both Phenmor and Felarx in one slot, they're both super OP.
2. Cedo/Bubonico: These both self prime and have multiplicative gunCO scaling making them very similar and EXTREMELY capable of scaling to level cap
3. Trumna: Shreds through mobs like there's no tomorrow and can 1 tap acolytes with the alt fire. Can even be used to level cap
4. Aeolak: Multiplicative gunCO scaling is really hard to beat. Raw viral build with full strip melts everything with truly absurd DPS
5. Kuva Bramma: If you just wanna spam kill ads, this is the gun for you...makes survival so easy.

Top 5 Secondary weapons would be:
1. Laetum: Just nutty damage and so much build versatility
2. Epitaph: the best demo primer as Nukor has innate radiation which doesn't work against demos
3. Tenet Cycron: The king of heat inherit.
4. Catchmoon: Multiplicative gunCO scaling enables dumb things like demo 1 shots
5. Spectra Vandal: A Pocket Slash MONSTER. Get a -Punc riven and it gets even nicer

Finally, my top 5 melees are:
1. Praedos: Best melee in game with the best melee stance in game.
2. Slaytra: increased slash duration paired with Expedite Suffering and status duration mods makes this thing a level cap MONSTER
3. Tenet Livia: Combo pausing, 12x heavy slash monster, trivializes level cap when using an Expedite Suffering loadout
4. Vastilok: PERMANENT armor strip of any enemy...very hard to find a better utility melee
5. Innodem: Basically Verdilac's meth head cousin...also just has crazy damage output


Gota say, only discovered ur channel recently coming back to warframe and its prob one of, if not the best for up to date warframe content, well made and precise, that's all we need.
Keep it up ! :D


My top 5:
1. Reave
2. Reave
3. Reave
4. Reave
5. Peacemaker


My favorite for SP is a Kitgun primary
Chamber: Vermisplicer
Loader: Macro Thymoid (this loader is a must due to its longer range, more ammo, decent crit, status chance base 28%)
Grip: Tremor
Gun needs a Riven to truly shine but works well as a primer without (can get one for 50 p)
Galvanized Chamber, Riven (critchance and 2 elements -status dur. is my current), Vital Sense, Critical Delay, Galavanized Aptitude, Hellfire, Hammer Shot, Vile Acceleration, Sinister Reach. Primed Merciless and Pax Charge

Reason I love it is because it isn't splash so no knockback still got a large AOE once you hit a target and its a kit gun so infinite ammo. Its a fun gun great for adds it does have a slow first kill but after that it just wrecks.


Vermsplicer needs to be looked into it’s too good


If you're using an epitaph for priming just use secondary dexterity for your arcane


Actually, projectile speed in Exilus slot on Epitaph is really good, must I say. Sure, it's not a must have, but more comfort can't be bad in this game.


the new secondary arcane is really useful on the epitaph, for every 4 status effects it applies it can apply 1 extra


Nikana Prime. Daikyu [Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired]. Naramon. Nidus, Nekros, or any other frame you crank the survivability to 11.
Go out and murder the star chart while being utterly invincible. Also Slash procs are fine, but I also recommend + Viral because it's just too good.


I am Tilted you refer to the Epitaph as "Just A Primer".
That thing can singlehandedly carry a disruption mission on its own.


Convectrix surprised me as a pick, may want to try that.

My current favorite is the QUASSUS. Not very strong in the normal damage, but with a crit/combo build you can DELETE acolytes with massive damage and forced slash procs.


if you don't want to shell out for Nikana Prime, a Nikana zaw with Crit can do just as better, hitting a little higher crit values so you don't need to build as much combo


I got a Kuva Tonkor that just gets the job done for me easily. My problems gone are just a trigger pull away


The Cedo is probably my favorite gun in the game, especially because of how ridiculously dumb you can make it if you just focus one part, like Multishot or Fire Rate (which has legitimately uncontrollable recoil)

But if you're trying to make it actually do good damage, you can legitimately do that. I don't know about how it fairs in most Steel Path content, but in Sorties and whatnot at least, it works quite fine. I know Lavos isn't popular, but he really is a perfect pairing with it because of his extra statuses (the more procs, the more damage the Cedo does) and the fact you can just build him as a tank to go bonkers with the gun itself rather than focusing frame abilities.


When I got my glaive prime I made the mistake of not doing heavy after through and was wondering why it sucked so bad, then I figured it out and was stoked to see it merc an entire group of enemies in one blow.


You should try a crit epitaph build using its charged shot only! It can 1 tap level cap enemies on steel path with the amount of slash DoT it can deal


Very similar to a list I might make...
-Cerata -Convectrix
+Felarx +Stropha


This might be late but at the point you get to around jupiter or saturn on the base star chart, I would recommend getting a zaw weapon and start farming ostrons until about R3 since it's not to difficult if you don't do bounties to farm standing and you're gonna need to anyways later, as for what you're gonna want, most people use a fast swinging high crit zaw of any weapon type.
