Wet Leg live | Köln 2022 | Rockpalast

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1. Wet Leg – Being In Love 00:00
2. Wet Leg – Wet Dream 02:44
3. Wet Leg – Convincing 05:12
4. Wet Leg – Supermarket 08:13
5. Wet Leg – Piece Of Shit 13:34
6. Wet Leg – It's A Shame 16:34
7. Wet Leg – Obvious 20:44
8. Wet Leg – Oh No 24:59
9. Wet Leg – I Want To Be Abducted (By A Ufo) 27:40
10. Wet Leg – Ur Mum 30:58
11. Wet Leg – Too Late Now 36:00
12. Wet Leg – Angelica 41:29
13. Wet Leg – Chaise Longue 45:37

Rhian Teasdale - vocals, guitar
Hester Chambers - guitar, backing vocals
Joshua Mobaraki - guitar, synthesizer, backing vocals
Ellis Durand - bass, backing vocals
Henry Holmes - drums, percussion

© Thumbnail-Foto: WDR / Thomas von der Heiden

Das Indie Rock-Duo Wet Leg von der Isle Of Wight war 2022 der große Abräumer auf den einschlägigen Sommerfestivals, nachdem sie im Frühjahr europaweit die Clubs ausverkauft hatten. Am 07. November 2022 beehrten die Britinnen den Kölner Club Kantine. Opener waren Coach Party.
Rhian Teasdale und Hester Chambers sorgten 2021 für eine weltweite Sensation mit ihrem Hit "Chaise Longue", der drei Millionen Mal gestreamt wurde. Der Erfolg ist bei den beiden kreativen Köpfen jedoch nicht nur Zufall, sondern fußt bei auf jahrelanger Erfahrung und klug eingesetztem Do It Yourself-Spirit.
2022 erscheint das selbstbetitelte Debütalbum, mit dem das Duo auf ausverkaufte Clubtour geht und die großen Festivals rockt. Besonders bei der Interaktion mit ihren Fans zeigt sich der trockene Humor der beiden: Sie geraten zu regelrechten Partys. Gerne kommen dabei auch ausgefallene Kleider oder Kostüme im Publikum ins Spiel.
Und der Name? Angeblich nennt man auf der Isle Of Wight Menschen, die nicht von der Insel kommen, Wet Leg ("Nassbein"), da er oder sie sich beim Verlassen des Bootes im Solent, dem Seitenarm des Ärmelkanals zwischen Englands Südküste und der Isle Of Wight, nass macht.
Als Opener rockten Coach Party die Kantine Köln. Das Indie Rock-Quartett kommt ebenfalls von der Isle of White und hat mit der Single "FLAG (Feel Like A Girl)" und dem dazugehörigen, von Jane Austen-Verfilmungen inspirierten Video in Großbritannien für eine Menge Aufsehen in der Indie-Szene gesorgt.

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Wet Leg is one of those bands you didn’t know you needed until the moment you find them


Can we take a moment and appreciate the drummer? What a beast!


I'm a 78 year old great-grandfather from Vienna who has been in the international music business since 1972 and totally in love with the band. ❤When I see the videos of the live performances, I'm a teen again and jumping along like a maniac. Unfortunately I didn't get a ticket for the concert of Harry Styles (Special guest Wet Leg) in my hometown Vienna on August 7th, 2023. 😒


It is nearly impossible NOT to be in love with Hester!


freshest and most interesting band i´ve heard for many years... a little pixies, little velvet underground, a very special kind of humor. Love it. Makes me feel 40 years younger :D


Have listened to obvious about 20 times still gives me goosebumps every time 😂


Im a 56 old new waver that have seen many bands over the years! and these chics hit a homerun with this album, lets see what they follow up with, hopefully they still have the magic going.


Damn ... Rhian is a bombshell who can sing so beautifully ... got hella potential for a very long career.


Just when I think that they are probably sick of playing these songs, you see the joy they are experiencing and them loving the crowd reaction. 👏


I love the new songs. Especially Obvious. This band is really going somewhere😮


Saw this Gig Last Sunday Night in German TV 📺 and since then I‘m in Love ❤with Wet Leg 🖤🎵


Every song is fucking brilliant! Excellent band!


Henry Holmes is a great drummer! Keep rockin' dude!


It occurs to me that the real star of Wet Leg is not Rhian.
Yes, she's the strongest singer and the most outgoing - although Hester's almost-inaudible voice, almost-imperceptible dry humor, and sudden letting-loose dancing have considerable charms, too. But the real star is their friendship, both that of Rhian and Hester, and that with their supporting cast of Joshua, Ellis, and Henry. Loser dates may come and go, substandard boyfriends may come and go, terrible pick-up lines may land with a terrible thud - but friends are forever. And that's what they really project.


es la segunda vez que los escucho en youtube y dan unas ganas de quedarse a ver el video completo de lo bien que suenan.


Lucky enough to see them 2x in Nashville Tennessee. Once early in 2022 (small venue) and then at the end of 2022 (about the venue size of this show)

This is a fantastic recording! So many great angles and great editing!

Cheers to WL for 2023!!!!


I love the woolly tassels on the guitars


I've got such a crush on Hester. Her guitar is gorgeous too 🤩


What a great band! I'm very happy to have them along the ride!


I heard about Wet Leg from Steve Hoffman Forums close to a year ago. There were pages of threads so I knew they had to be good...watched a few videos on YouTube and bought the LP the same day. I saw them last year in Atlanta and was amazed by the broad age range of the audience. The show was packed with such a mix of fans from their 20's to 70's, it showed how wide and fresh their appeal is.
