The Dark Night Of The Soul (This IS REAL)

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The dark night of the soul is something people experience at a point during their life when all they believe is proven to be false. The world they believed is not so and they are at the lowest point of their life. It is during the dark night of the soul when all hope has dissolved and all we see is emptiness and pain. We feel like we can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.. there is no tunnel. We believe this could be our last breath and that the end is here. If we make it to the morning we then discover we have indeed survived the worst time in our existence. This transformation changes us forever and allows us to help humanity going forward on a whole new level of understanding and appreciation. The dark night of the soul is the beginning of enlightenment for us and an awakening of out true selves. #dark #night #soul #narcissism #narcissist #healing #journey #awakening
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Went through this thirty years married. I lay on the bed my life shattered. Bedroom door locked every night at seven thirty. Three thoughts went through my mind. Drive myself over a cliff and finish this...leave but I had no money and couldn't support my children....stay and go legal ....a very difficult and dangerous path. I knew if I stayed with this person on his terms I would loose my soul...I could feel it already. So from the edge of a breakdown, I fought back legally. I wasn't left with much as he lied about everything. But...I am liberated, with a strong sense of self. I have regained my life and my soul. I consider that night a blessing.


It's almost as if the light in us is dimmed. My energy is so low, it'a like being between alive and dead. Maybe this is how it feels the narcissist feel...empty with no energy.

The narcissists are going to feel like this forever and we have the ability to change. We can heal. I'm not healed and some days it's hard to go on.


After the dark night of the soul, you start to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. Ty Andrew.


It gets so much better, dark night of the soul, don't believe that it won't end, it does and you are going to be ok. Just know that it is a temporary transitory situation. The life afterwards is a true adventure. You will take care of and protect yourself from now on. Breathe and accept. Love will surround you. Try not to resist. Breaking these generational curses are truly difficult but worth it. Hugs to you. Thank you, Andrew.


Wow! I cried through this entire video. When you said “you may not want to be around other people, but don’t want to be alone either”, I had to pause the video to catch my breath. This is so very real. It’s exactly what I’ve been feeling. I don’t even know why I’m here. Definitely been suicidal and grieving those that are still alive is the worst. Mine is from a narcissistic relationship for sure. I’ve seen so many therapists and they don’t even get it. I can’t even find the words to describe what it feels like. I keep saying I’m gonna find a way to turn this into something positive by helping others who are going through this. Like you, I feel like I’m being called to help in some way and that’s what has kept me here. That and my dog. I look at him and I can’t imagine leaving him here alone. He’s 9 1/2 and I’m all he’s known his entire life. That may sound silly to some, but it’s the truth. I pray constantly and I beg God to make it stop, but it doesn’t stop. I finally prayed for God to give me the strength to get through this and to lead me where I am supposed to be. “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” Psalm 23:4. Thank you so much for all you do. You are truly making a difference.


The darkness is the shadows of deception, betrayal, inconsideration, immoral, manipulation, mirroring and hatred that oozies out in each interaction until it consumes your personal space.
By then alot of damage has/ had been done and your inner strengths have to work in overdrive to clear the darkness away


Thank you Andrew. All of that and more...and we survived! God is good!


I went through this phenomenon. And I'm a Christian.


I too, have been down this road Andrew. God plucked me out of that dark space and wrapped his arms around. That was ten years ago. I am still here and thriving.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for creating these videos. You are helping people more than you know.


I went through this. Wasn’t sure that I would survive it, but I did. If anybody here feels helpless to this phase of your awakening, you WILL get through it. Just have faith that it is temporary and will provide you with the knowledge to move you on into a better way of being!


I went through the dark night of the soul 2 years ago. I felt like I was hanging on a cross and being pursicuted like Christ. It was awful. They were Naristist that crusified him also. 😢


My dark night of the soul, lasted for years. I am only now coming out of it, a completely different person. I was always there for everyone who needed help, an environmental activist and very passionate about nature and the environment. Following a physical and emotional breakdown 2 years after leaving a 30 year narcissistically abusive relationship, I lost interest in everything. I wanted to die.
Strangely, now I have a greater capacity for compassion for others and an understanding to "go with the flow" Stop feeling the need to judge others and realise the reasons why they behave as they do. This has brought me a deep peace in my soul, knowing everything is as it should be and Love is the the most powerful tool we have to make this world a better place. Thank you Andrew


Surrender like an addiction. It is peace, gratitude for now.


I went through the dark night Oct 2017. It took 2 years to reach enlightenment. It was something I needed in my life. The pain I experienced was worth it.


Yes...truth..went through this with parents siblings...husband years later my adult my deepest grief after my son passed ...her narcissistic personality really cr out ...stomped on me when I was at my darkest's such demonic energy that dwells in these narcissistic people 7 yrs of such physical emotional spiritual abuse ....she used all my finances ...I was her puppet last living child finally after 7 yrs of praying crying trying ...sonething you said in a recent video awakened the WARRIOR IN ME THAT I LOST AFTER MY SON ...I LEFT my husband parents siblings but this was the test of test ...IM BACK THANK YOU ...GOD LED ME STRAIGHT TO YOU ☝️🌟💫👏🙌🙏I'm listening to more of your powerful words ..


I'm going through my transformation at the moment. It's absolutely hard, worst feeling ever to be honest but I know it'll make me stronger 🦋 who ever is going through this, keep going 💜


When I went through it, I lost my entire family, immediate and extended. It was multiple narcissists, all around me. Everywhere I looked. I never saw it until after the two worst narcissists in my life (my mom and a younger sister) passed away, one from cancer, the other from covid. Then it hit like a brick between the eyes. My wife of almost 30 years watched me go through it, and if it hadn't been for her I doubt very seriously I'd be here typing this. I left fear-based religion only to be shamed and guilted into returning. I didn't. One night when I was all alone, I asked "God, " the "Universe, " anybody....what now? I heard in the spirit of my mind, "Focus on now." I cried myself to sleep. It was the most freeing words I think I've ever heard...and they came from within. Wow! Thank you, Andrew. It makes sense NOW.


i went through this recently and after that horrific night I found there was a shift in me the next morning and I could focus more on the good in my life and day by day I have felt more good than bad. i will continue to work on rebuilding and I am so HOPEFUL for the healing ahead


We seem to have experienced the dam night during the same period of time!!! As terribly hard as this was, it was my awareness. I’m alive!!! Thank you❤


This is so true! I know because I was there. It was like a darkness before the light. But when the dark thoughts dissipated I had an unfounded clarity and life had a new meaning. While sitting on my porch a beautiful cardinal landed on my porch and several butterflies also came and landed near me. That was confirmation that everything was going to be alright! I'm in a much better place. Thanking God for the spiritual breakthrough!
