The Dark Night of The Soul (Losing Who We Thought We Were)

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The Dark Night of the Soul is a sacred rite of passage in our spiritual evolution. Today I'm going to be sharing what exactly is happening to the ego during a dark night of the soul and at the end of this video I will share with you the greatest gift that this stage of awakening offers us.

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The way you explain and teach things is amazing!!! Thank you for your amazing guidance:)


Ego will say your awakened and their not. We are starseeds etc, etc. I have been humbled from my experience. Brought to my knees in despair. As l was very egotestic. Full of programming by society. Deep depression followed. I would never call myself awakened. Yes lighter of defences. I just feel humbled and aware ...l know nothing. Nothing.


A spouse’s betrayal, a business partner’s corruption, the death of a child, I’ve gone through all these dark nights of the soul. These dark nights can be extremely painful and difficult. They are different for all of us.


Mine happened 18 years ago. I was in college and started to realize I had narcissistic personality disorder. I realized that my drug was the reflection I saw through the eyes of others but that was not who I was. I manipulated to make myself seem perfect.

So the natural thing to do was cut off that supply of ego masturbation material and see who I really was. And after much isolation, grief and crying out to God, God spoke back. My ego dissolved and it was the most beautiful disaster of my life. It's like the world was in color for the first time and I was an idiot.


I’m at what I’m perceiving to be the end of my dark night of the soul. My faith system obliterated, reconstructed. My physical body literally expanding causing breaks in my skin in order to accommodate, my scalp opened and all the hair that I thought I had lost with stress and poor health regrew within days


It sucks going through this shit when you're trying to work and earn a living.


A dark night of the soul is essential to break free from the false self, childhood conditioning and limiting beliefs so we can be free, wiser, happier, healthier and wealthier.

The ego is a tricker.

The unknown is where magic lies where true foundation is anchored.

It sucks to go t through creative process.

The expansion from our Higher Consciousness instead of resisting.
Thank you.


What you said about there being several dark nights of the soul is so true! In the beginning of my awakening I had a very intense and excruciating dark night of the soul. And after that was over, I thought my suffering was done. However as I have progressed on my journey I have experienced several more dark nights, but of lesser and lesser intensity and duration. Even now as I type this comment I am exiting another mini dark night of the soul where my physical body was sick and I was purging even more negative beliefs and imprints in my subconscious mind. I think it's a great point and can be very helpful to be aware that the dark night is cyclical and can come back several times within a lifetime as we learn to master our energy, work out negative karma, and live more deeply in a surrendered state. Great content as always! Thank you


I had a conversation with my family last night about finding the purpose in life and I asked many existential questions about our lives. They just want me to follow the typical norm of getting a degree, find a job, make a living for life.

Recently, I had a spiritual awakening and everything I believed is crumbling down. I just feel like nothing even matters to me anymore. I just want to disassociate from the society to live in peace and be aligned with my true authentic self. Everybody calls me crazy. Eventually, the conversation turned into a heated argument, It was literally so depressing that I ended up leaving the room in tears. Later, I ended up spending the rest of the night alone in my room and spent a long time doing meditation to release the negativity.

Deep down, I do trust the process. It is all a part of the transformation for the greater good, if somebody can relate to this, I just want to say keep moving forward, the universe will reward those that dares to follow their hearts! Peace! 🙏


The Dark night of the soul was a life changing experience. I went through several dark nights of the soul. I went through ego death, identity lose, and a full blown crisis that created a phoenix.


Don't fear the dark, because without it, light simply doesn't exist .


"A very fragile mind cannot stand to be challenged." Excellent quote.


I went through my dark night of the soul back in 2016. Changed me forever and I am still astonished to this day.


I feel that I am in the middle of another dark night but it's nowhere near the first one I had in 2020. I get scared and forget this process sometimes and these videos remind me that I'm ok where I'm at.


Sarah Sensei,
Fellow Devotees,
Thought I’d pop in early here with my egomaniacal motor mouth, though a little tardy from cleaning the tears off my glasses!
I’m going to tear up my prepared speech and just blurt out how much I love you all, you varied children of infinite glad fineness! Genuine souls are so full of holes, but ain’t you all smack dab full of why we came here? And why we’re leaving!
Call me crazy (call me anything but late for dinner!), but certainly we must cleanse and bless these sad spaces before we make a departure…
I think I’m speaking for many when I say that each new post seems to exponentially factor upon those preceding! Not “smoke and mirrors, ” but “smoke and ash!” Powerful stuff, and we’ll no longer ever settle for less (or, I expect, need to!)… Solid love and joy to you all!
- Namaste,


I’ve been crying nonstop for months.
This would be my second round

I’m in financial debt
I love my partner but no longer feel he’s the right person for me
I feel like I’m settling for less
I’m so confused

I’m lost after 4 years of deep spiritual inner work


It was like I was watching Pieces of myself falling away


This exactly what Goddess Kali does when you call out to her. She literally translates to the dark mother. People fear her because they see changes around them that may not align with their desires when they pray to her and chant her mantras, but she literally brings forth the dark night of the soul, so you come out being more aligned with your spiritual self. Have courage and carry on!


This resonates with what has been manifesting in me. I realize, now, that I've been through this before, and that is comforting.


Yes, I'm stuck. But also stuck and failing because the depression has destroyed my finances and opportunities to do what I want in life. I'm hardly holding on.
