Democrats Unveil Bill For Justice in Policing | NowThis

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In US news and current events today, congressional Democrats are channeling the energy of protests into this fair policing bill.

Kamala Harris, Hakeem Jeffries, Karen Bass, and more have unveiled the Justice in Policing Act, a bill that seeks to curb the outrageous system of police brutality, police violence, and police racism that has come to light in the wake of the George Floyd protests and Black Lives Matter protests. While many in the BLM movement have called to defund the police, the bill does not appear to defund police. Instead, it offers bold new reforms that go towards the goal to demilitarize the police, ban chokeholds, and increase police accountability. The Congressional Black Caucus, prominent democrats, and even some republicans have begun to come on board the police reform movement, but time will tell whether the bill will become law.

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New Rule:

No footage -> no charges
No footage -> cop gets fired
All footage should be made public. If a cop fails to turn on his camera, he gets fired. If footage gets “lost”, charges are dropped. There have been too many lies, too often, that have led to unjust arrests.


Hey now, we need to share both sides of this debate. Let me summarize the Republican plan since you failed to acknowledge it: beat the public into submission and demand that they thank you for it.


I do not think this is enough. what about the citizens who call the police and put black peoples lives in danger? There should be a law against that.


Good start, but how would they make sure the police follows it. The current law didn't give the right for police to kill a civilian either, but somehow lots of policemen able to find the loopholes and went free after killed many innocent people in the past.
Everyone witnessed from George Floyd's last video on this planet, the policemen were trying to frame George Floyd by keep asking him to "get up" while 3 of them hold him down and one of them was kneeling on his neck, it sounded like George was resisting police's arrests and broking the law if it was only on VOICE recordings.


I think I can support this, we just have to remember that police are human too. Funding to the community is an excellent idea. Keeping people busy will keep people from robbing, killing and committing other crimes


Start hiring police officers with deescalation skills and some college degree would help. Most of police brutality is caused by reactive, uneducated, emotionally immature men.


This is all very well and it’s been heard every time things get to breaking point, firstly the term “European American” should be used for white nationals just like the label “African American” is used for blacks why do black people have to be “something” American leaving their nationality between two countries one of which they have never seen. White people the so called European Americans are given the class of just American I feel these labels are racist and extremely offensive. Native American, Irish American, Asian American and African American etc it should just be “American” for all ethnicities or each should be defined by their historical descent. So European Americans for white Americans.


Why is there no change to qualified immunity? Wtf?


this is awesome but didnt bernie sanders say he was gonna do all this as president?


Turning George Floyd INTO a saint martyr is proposterous: he was far from an upstanding example of a citizen!


Keep protesting till it's signed into Law!


What a day to be a gun shop owner. Business will be booming!


The other very important thing is the changing of judicial system and it's inhumane and barbaric laws.


I wonder how many of these so called officers have a permit or license for a firearm in the first place without one wouldn't they be breaking the law???


0:49 look at her body language, clearly she is talking word salad sigh


wow its about that time they should have done this when the dems were in power in obama admins but no having a first black president was good enough. But hey it takes a trending video to do so again good job


Donald Trump wants us to be treated like animals. He said it his self. Give credit wher credit is due! It needs to keep running every day. He's taking credit for the economy.


Without mass unemployment, the strength of this movement would have been insufficient to achieve the kind of changes that are really needed to recreate safe communities.


The fact that Kamala corrupt Harris is presenting this bill... completely discredits it O_o


This movement must really be something. It has caused Kamala Harris to put on her kente cloth.

Previously she prioritized immigrant concerns over black concerns around jobs, unjust incarceration and police brutality because she personally felt closer to her immigrant Indian heritage rather than her legacy of slavery. That’s both her choice and right personally. However, she flat out abandoned the black voters who made her a senator. My, my, how the worm has
