Varda Elentári, Queen of the Stars & Valar | Tolkien Explained

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She is the vala most revered by the elves, for she accomplished the greatest deed of all the valar - the creation of the stars. She is known for hearing all voices from every corner of the world and for seeing Melkor's darkness before all others - and it is she whom the dark lord fears most.

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To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!

Valar, Varda - Anna Kulisz
Varda - Janka Latečková
Varda and Melkor - Marya Filatova
Varda - Ralph Damiani
iluvatar's mighty theme - kuliszu
valar, melkor - kuliszu
Queen of the Stars - Līga Kļaviņa
melkor vs manwe - Felix englund
Star - Lída Holubová
Melkor - kuliszu
Tulkas - nahar
Tulkas - steamey
Eru and the Gods Singing the First Song of Creation - Kip Rasmussen
Illuin, Lamp of the Valar – Ted Nasmith
The Lamp of the Valar – Ted Nasmith
Ralph Damiani - Taniquetil
Taniquetil – Ted Nasmith
Manwe and Varda - Šárka Škorpíková
Fantasy Mountain - Felix Englund
Two Trees of Valinor - Roger Garland
The bliss of Valinor - Marya Filatova
Valar, Mandos - kuliszu
mandos - Jenny Dolfen
The Dawn of the Firstborn Elves – Ted Nasmith
Varda - aegeri
Varda of the Stars at Her Work of Creation - Kip Rasmussen
awakening of the elves - kuliszu
Varda the Star-Queen - Janka Latečková
Stargazing - Anke Eißmann
Gil-Estel, the Star of High Hope - Lída Holubová
Varda and stars - Lída Holubová
new star - alystraea
Varda Creating Stars – Ted Nasmith
The Sleep of Yavanna - Matej Cadil
Mirrormere - Emily Austin
Durin at Mirrormere - Matej Cadil
Laketown - Ivan Cavini
Lake-town - Alan Lee
Hobbits in Bree - John Howe
At the Sign of the Prancing Pony – Ted Nasmith
Feanor and the silmarils - Bella Bergolts
Varda - Šárka Škorpíková
Killing of the Trees - John Howe
Ungoliant and the Two Trees – Ted Nasmith
Varda - Šárka Škorpíková
Varda and Manwe in Valinor – Ted Nasmith
Vessels - Šárka Škorpíková
Varda Elentari - Lída Holubová
Irmo, Lorien - nahar doa
Varda - Jenny Dolfen
Earendil and the Battle of Eagles and Dragons – Ted Nasmith
Star of Earendil - Matej Cadil
new star - alystraea
Frodo's meeting with Gildor - Alan Lee
Gildor, Sam, Pippin, Frodo and elves - steamey
The Hall of Fire - Anke Eißmann
Varda Elentari - Lída Holubová
Varda - Janka Latečková
Elves - steamey
weathertop - CK Goksoy
Amon Sul - Lída Holubová
ringwraith - Jerry Vanderstelt
Riders at The Ford – Ted Nasmith
At The Ford – Ted Nasmith
Shelob's Lair - Alan_Lee
Shelob - Olanda Fong-Surdenas
Shelob About to leap on Frodo - John Howe
sam vs shelob - matej
Shelob's Retreat – Ted Nasmith
Sam and Shelob - John Howe
Elves in the Woody End – Ted Nasmith
rivendell at sunset - kuliszu
Samwise the Brave
Shelob – Ted Nasmith
varda elbereth, lady of the stars - nahar

#varda #tolkien #silmarillion
Рекомендации по теме

Varda: Here are two lamps to light the world— **gets destroyed**

Varda: Ok then, here are two trees to light the world— **gets destroyed**

Varda: Oh for crying out loud, I’m just gonna put them in the sky so no one can touch them


She carried the light of Iluvatar on her face. If Melkor hated her so much it tells a lot about Elves cherishing her immensely.


This video made me emotional. I appreciate you portraying how sacred she was to the elves by quoting other characters invoking her name. I cried when I read the part where Sam stabbed Shelob!


Not Varda herself but you should have included the moment when Frodo and Sam see stars through a hole in the cloud in Mordor and it fills them with hope because even in Mordor there is a light and beauty that even the darkness can not reach and a sign that even the darkest darkness will fade and the light endure.


A clear sign of Varda's power is that once the sun appears for the first time in the sky, Morgoth and all his servants hide beneath the ground in fear.

I also like that because of Varda's original plan, the sun rises for the first time in the West, not in the East, so when the second children of Illúvatar, men, awake at this hour, they first see the sun as the elves once saw the stars. And because they first saw the sun rise in the West, their steps often lead them in this direction.


Love this! Our daughter’s middle name is Elbereth. I relish when people ask what it means.


So Durin's star crown might be just Varda giving Melkor the finger?


An online friend has been looking at Tolkien's stories through the eyes of Catholicism, since Tolkien was a devout Catholic. Despite Tolkien saying his stories were not religious parables, he admitted that his Catholic world view nonetheless permeates his writings. My friend, who is also Catholic, says that Varda is a picture of Mary, Queen of Heaven. When I look at some of the paintings used in this clip, the Catholic apparel can be seen on Varda.


No matter how many times I've read these stories I just love hearing you re-tell them. There is something about the telling of a story and Tolkien wrote with an inimitable voice.


What a beautiful video. It made me emotional! Varda truly personifies the most beautiful things in creation: the star and the light


It's easy to see which Vala the Elves in Middle-Earth most favored. I personally most like the description Tolkien gives of how when Manwë and Varda are together, they amplify each other's abilities.


So good knowing Ulmö isn't the only one actively helping the peoples of Middle-Earth!


finally a video on varda! it just pisses me off because no one talks about her.


I'm 48 and have loved LOTR as far back as I can remember and felt I knew everything about it. What I knew barely scratched the surface! I learn something new with every episode you do. Thank you so much! I've never been so happy to be proven so dumb! LOL Keep up the great work!


Her answering the hobbits prayers made me tear up this morning...


A video on Mandos would be amazing as he is my favourite Vala. Ossë would be great too alongside Ulmo.


Star-kindler, some of the Valar really have badass epithets


So beautifully described and retold. It brought tears to my eyes.


As a Catholic, I think Tolkien based a lot of Varda (consciously or unconsciously) on Mary, Jesus's mother, and how Catholics revere her - "To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve" "O Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners". Both are figures people cry to for help and mercy. Plus, I remember Mary being described this way in Heaven: "She is clothed with the sun, the moon beneath her feet, and wears a crown of twelve stars."


I was looking forward to video about Varda and I'm rly happy you made it in such beautiful way.
