Lisa Fazio (Vanderbilt University) | The effects of repetition on belief in naturalistic settings

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Lisa Fazio (Vanderbilt University) delivered the presentation 'The effects of repetition on belief in naturalistic settings' at the PERITIA workshop 'How to Address an Infodemic: Experiments on (Dis)Information' held at the London School of Economics on 28 April 2022.


Repetition increases belief in false statements. This illusory truth effect occurs with many different types of statements (e.g., trivia facts, news headlines, advertisements), and even occurs when the false statement contradicts participants’ prior knowledge. New naturalistic studies show that these effects occur in real-world settings and with real-world misinformation. However, the effects are not inevitable, I will also discuss situations where the repetition has only a minimal effect on belief.

PERITIA is an EU-funded project exploring public trust in expertise. Our multi-disciplinary team seeks to help citizens and policymakers understand trust in science and identify trustworthy expertise. By doing so, we aim to enhance trust in a better democratic governance for the future of Europe.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870883. The information and opinions on this website and other communications materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission.

#PERITIA #EUfunded #H2020 #Disinformation #Misinformation #Debunking #Inoculation #LateralReading #MediaLiteracy #ScienceDenialism #FactChecking
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