The Bank of Canada doesn’t care about the value of your house

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Steve DiGregorio, vice president and portfolio manager at Canoe Financial says that the Bank of Canada's focus is to reduce inflation. He says interest rates are going to be higher for a prolonged period of time.

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Despite the economic downturn, I'm having the best time of my life financially. Earning over $83k in the last 2months with an investment of $19, 000. Money can be made even in a bear market. Make the most of it.


Why should they??? Who the f told you over asking and crying to the government after..


I sold a couple of homes in the Calgary area for pretty good cash and I'm thinking to just leave it in stocks while waiting for a house crash to happen and as well avoid inflation, but is this really a good time to buy stocks? I hear it's a madhouse right now and I still hear folks are raking in huge 6figure profits by the weeks and I'd love to know how.


If you r buying anything overvalued with your own choice why do i care! You raised the prices with your offers and offers and offers. Hope they raise more and more so that you understand not to pay something more than its real value. Dont manupulate the reality!!!


This interviewee is lying, BOC had plenty of time to address the 2nd largest RE bubble on the planet. Geesh


I love that the stupid & wanna be rich looking people are getting pummeled now.
Buying overpriced home and living paycheck to paycheck just to be able to afford a place you only spend roughly 8 hours per day to mainly sleep is just beyond me 😄


I think it's hilarious that some people are attacking the BoC for raising the rates.. sensible monetary policy is never popular.


Unemployment keeps surging and bills wait for no one that’s why we have to figure new ways to make an income, I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $210, 000 in 4 months from $30k. Somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas


When it comes to investment, diversification is key. That is why I have my interests set on key sectors based on performance and projected growth. They range from the EV sector, renewable energy, Tech, and Health.


I dare the BoC to push it to 10% 😂😂 let these speculators cry


This guy nailed it, surprising they allowed him on TV


I think that it is true that (in this case) the governer of the bank of Canada doesn't care about the value of your house because if the morgage can not be paid, they can take the property and sell for more than the original morgage at a profit and the tax goes to the Federal Government. The Governer made the right descion to print more money, otherwise he would disappointed the Prime minister and ended at the same fate as the former Justice Minister.


This housing needs to really crash for economy to come back to normal


It's about PRINTING MONEY. That is why we have run away inflation...Supply chain issues are a minor accessory regarding inflation. Solution: increase rates, suck up currency, increase production = the solution


Home owners have been spoiled with abnormally low rates for years. I'm glad to have benefited from it and have paid off everything. Those who bought in the past few years are in real financial danger. Glad I didn't buy at these egregious bubble values. They need to raise rates to 7 percent and keep it firmly there.


We are sitting on one property and if it goes down good we need to take the speculators and flippers out of the market, housing is out of control ;how can anyone afford a home at these prices.


I sense major confusion I didn't hear a realistic view on any topic.. just broken #'s comparisons...housing needs a crash. Why don't these experts ever talk about the HELOC DEBT IN CANADA


Steve DiGregorio is forgetting something, the risk is not the overpriced housing market, it's the HELOCs and people borrowing using their home. This is were the pain will be, and people who abused their overpriced home equity might drag the rest of us with them.


A house used to be just a place to live a place for your stuff, now its an investment.


He's not considering the people who took alternative loans because they didn't qualify via the stress test. They are being renewed at 6.99%, for example, which is much more than the 2.99% they got offered last year.
