Analogous Color Scheme
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The analogous color scheme involved using DIFFERENT colors but very close to each other on the color wheel. Depending on the color you chose you might think it is similar to monochromatic but the difference is that analogous = multiple colors and monochromatic = 1 color
It is interesting to always have a color where close to you when you’re editing, or at least google color wheel when you feel like you need to check what colors are close, opposite, etc
Did you like this series of tutorials on the 3 main color harmonies ?
Let me know in the comment what you would like to learn related to colors !!
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It is interesting to always have a color where close to you when you’re editing, or at least google color wheel when you feel like you need to check what colors are close, opposite, etc
Did you like this series of tutorials on the 3 main color harmonies ?
Let me know in the comment what you would like to learn related to colors !!
#colorgrading #colortheory #colors #colors🌈 #analogouscolors #analogous #analogousvibes #colorfulharmony #analogouspalette #colorwheel #photography #photography101 #learnphotography #learnphotoediting #learnphotoshop #learnphotographyskills #photographyeveryday #retouching #lostcreators #latelierdescréateurs #harmonioushues #hues #travelphotography #frenchphotographer #photographie #couleurs #theoriecouleurs #apprendrephotographie #photographylovers #photographyworkshop