Life in a Tiny House called Fy Nyth - Toss the rest! The only 4 cleaners I use.

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If you are new to my channel and Fy Nyth in general, welcome! I'm Ariel. I live off grid (as in no physical connection to public utilities) in a tiny house on wheels in the mountains of western Wyoming. I've been living this lifestyle for more than three years now and love it! What will you find if you follow my channel and watch my videos?

Real life here. I try to show the good and the bad. The ups and the downs. What works, and what doesn't. The parts I love (most of it!), and the things that suck. Not just the showroom version of a tiny house, but everyday life in a tiny house. Not just the romantic idea of "homesteading" or off grid life, but the everyday details of this lifestyle. I split my own wood for heat, carry my water by hand, and attempt to grow as much of my own food as I can between the weather and wildlife here. I hope to help others learn from my mistakes and make life just a little easier for anyone else interested in pursuing a similar lifestyle.

For a bit of my background, as a child, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend much of my free time exploring and playing in the woods. Little has changed now that I'm older I suppose. I moved to a place with a bigger woods and still enjoy spending my time outside gardening, hiking, exploring, and photographing the natural world around me. As the eldest of seven children who grew up in a homeschooling family, I had the opportunity, not always appreciated at the time, to learn to do quite a bit of work. I've enjoyed a wide range of jobs, everything from greenhouses and flower arranging to wilderness therapy with teens, to milking cows. Mostly, I enjoy doing the kinds of things that I think provide a real service or value to others. Some of my other hobbies include backpacking, hosting people, cooking, preserving food, anything to do with nutrition, reading, journalling, and sitting around a fire and talking to my close friends.

Check out a few of the videos below to catch up on what goes on here!

Рекомендации по теме

The best way to freshen the air in your house is to open all of the windows for about about 20 minutes or so (yes, even in winter). You may want to put on a coat when you do this. You'll have a fresh smell like line dried sheets.


Count me as one of those canaries! I have a hard time walking down the cleaning aisle at the store due to asthma and scent sensitivities. I use a lot of vinegar, peroxide, and baking soda. Vinegar and baking soda is a great deck cleaner. You can buy baking soda for cleaning at the feed store (feed soda) really cheap!


You are one of the smartest handiest craftiest most intelligent females I have ever met


I worked in the food service industry and was also a caterer. I learned from my mom to use baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and dish soap to clean pretty much about anything and everything you can think of. I add one cup of vinegar to my whites in my laundry instead of bleach and it keeps them white quite nicely. If you don't like the smell of vinegar you can add a teaspoon of vanilla extract or any other extract of your choice. Nowadays you can get these items from any "dollar type store" in your area in most cities and that keeps the cost these items to about $5 to $6 with tax. I can say that I had never heard of soap nuts until I heard about them in your video. I enjoy your videos very much and I enjoy listening to you speak. You have a great speaking voice and are a natural in front of the camera/video recorder. Take care and be safe. 😊


It's that way for dogs I know. Dogs that run around on a farm or ranch, rolling in dead animals, running through corrals, catching rodents or whatever else they can, are almost never sick -- they still need their shots though, but town dogs that live inside and only get led on a leash, or put in their own kennel, are often sick. The ranch dog may have an old stinky deer leg he found somewhere with maggots on it - no problem, but change a full time house dogs brand of food, and they're likely to throw up and have the trots for a week.


Hi Ariel!! I stumbled upon your videos a couple of weeks ago and have been very impressed with your desire to live off grid and debt free. You have a lot of great information and present it very well. The area that you are in is gorgeous country! I have been through that area of the country before and plan on coming to that area this summer. Keep up the great work and hope to talk to you soon!


Nice dress Ariel! I mix my white vinegar 50/50 with my laundry detergent . Clothes and towels are so soft and clean and it saves so much money on laundry detergent . I also use it inside the microwave and cat litter box. Etc. so many uses for vinegar ! Love this video !!


You look great in the deep, dark red!


We use soap nuts as well, :-) I ordered the duster, looking forward to it! Thanks again for sharing.


Good vid. I ditched the chemicals years ago.. I use the same stuff. Thanks


Lol..all so true. I had to chuckle with you in your beginning.I too only use vinegar, baking soda & peroxide. Also lemon :) I've recently been using for my dish soap;(Mrs. Meyer's clean day. Product that i like. That is biodegrable.


Hello, am a city girl but I use all those products handed down from the older folk in our family.


Great stuff ! I've just started using vinegar to clean limescale, and as weedkiller, and it will kill mildew too - don't leave metal objects like steel or any kind of wiring connectors for hours in a cloud of drying vinegar though - it'll corrode some metals pretty nicely ! I use baking soda (sodium bicarb) as you said here, but also washing soda, which is sodium carbonate - this sprinkled as powder on moss outside will kill it, if the moss is in a bad place - blocking drainage, etc. Also, you can neutralise the acidity of vinegar after you've used it by wiping with either bicarb or soda (above mentioned stuffs) as they are alkaline. If you get a spill of anything acidic (it might happen !) this can be neutralised by bicarb (baking soda) poured on quickly. Use your own judgement about this folks! I'd never heard of 20% vinegar Ariel - that sounds a bit fierce. Mind you, in the uk you can buy 99% sulphuric acid as a drain cleaner - though you have to ask for it and it's plain wrapped and hidden out of sight in the store :o) I wouldn't dream of using it down a drain though - I wanted some to use diluted considerably to do some aluminium anodising at home :o)
ps. sorry to hear that Grizzly is wary of even your tripod - what _has_ gone on in her past ??? You're good for her !


Well said, Ariel. We don't need all of those strong chemicals all the time...(Only on Breaking Bad!) Lol. And i've noticed that Grizzly loves this vlogging thing...she's a star.


Thanks for all the information from another "canary in the coal mine". I'm encouraged by your input and the others to try these things. Hopefully will improve my health and the money saved will come in handy when my husband retires this year. Bless you all! 🙏👏


It looks very sanitary & unclutered...would love to come for visit in person, you are clear across the country from me ~♡~


Hi Ariel! Cute outfit ! I couldn't get by without vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide! Soap Nuts are new to me ! I'll have to look into that ! Occasionally I'll use Murphys Oil Soap on my hardwood floors. I'm not really sure of its chemical properties, but it does get the job done! Thanks for another terrific video :-)


I'm a retired garbage man and I've had more than my share of germs from mold, dirt, dead animals and regular house hold garbage and in my 30 years on the job I can only remember being really sick twice and I'm sure I caught it from my kids who caught it from friends at school . But now being a older and wiser I tend to shy away from crowds of people movie theaters shopping malls and i try not to touch things if I can get away with it too many foreign people coming from foreign lands with all these weird and bizarre and strange sicknesses tends to make me a little nervous . Like I said my kids went to a very diverse School meaning that the students were from all over the world they had Asians Ethiopians Chinese Russians polish virtually people from all over the globe at her school and during Christmas break Thanksgiving spring break they would go back to their Homeland pick up all the sicknesses then come back to school and infect everyone . But as a kid growing up in Rural America back in the 60s and 70s towns were very small and very few kids and we generally didn't get sick and we only and one doctor that did everything from stitching you up or putting a cast on you or pulling your teeth he did it all but mostly he slept on the bench in front of his little office because like I said nobody really got sick when I was a kid . But now one kids gets sick and it wipes out 3/4 of the school .


Love the natural products, thanks again Ariel, always interesting! 👌 🌏x🐕x


What about Borax? In an earlier video you showed that you had Borax under the sink. My mother used white vinegar in water to mop the hard wood floors.
Great presentation. Beautiful dress.
