Best part is we know the real Peter would've done the same thing to Joe if he showed him an electric wheel chair. nagaking
Best part is we know the real Peter would've done the same thing to Joe if he showed him an electric wheel chair.
1:02 Joe’s voice crack gets me every time! Obsessedwithcookies
1:02 Joe’s voice crack gets me every time!
1:39 when the camera guy hits Stewie 😂 peterpaul
1:39 when the camera guy hits Stewie 😂
Stewie: has a full storage of guns Also stewie: grabs the pistol taeplays
Stewie: has a full storage of guns Also stewie: grabs the pistol
funny because in one fg episode, joe is a terminator. samgalloway
funny because in one fg episode, joe is a terminator.
Stewie opens an armory full of heavy weapons, explosives and ammunition but he takes a backpack, a sports drink and a pistol Edit: I know I'm just repeating the joke, I commented this two years ago. Respectfully, stfu about it. dogecoin
Stewie opens an armory full of heavy weapons, explosives and ammunition but he takes a backpack, a sports drink and a pistol Edit: I know I'm just repeating the joke, I commented this two years ago. Respectfully, stfu about it.
“Are both of these Mario Lopez sheets?” “Yep, I’m all in on Mario Lopez.” ShahPhilLeotardo
“Are both of these Mario Lopez sheets?” “Yep, I’m all in on Mario Lopez.”
I'm from the UK So Peter tosses Joe sounds hilarious mikehunt
I'm from the UK So Peter tosses Joe sounds hilarious
0:09 This definitely isn’t Peter cause he wouldn’t be smart enough to realize that. berniethecat
0:09 This definitely isn’t Peter cause he wouldn’t be smart enough to realize that.
“My gas tank gauge hasn’t moved in years.” Says the one year old. VanLupen
“My gas tank gauge hasn’t moved in years.” Says the one year old.
Seth Macfarlane should make a movie "Family Guy: Multiverse Of Peter" i would literally be dead from laughter 💀. LC-Kai
Seth Macfarlane should make a movie "Family Guy: Multiverse Of Peter" i would literally be dead from laughter 💀.
Lol why do they have a neighborhood dumpster on the road 🤣 GoldenGrub
Lol why do they have a neighborhood dumpster on the road 🤣
1:39 "Ahh, dude." Classic Stewie DanMaluchnik
1:39 "Ahh, dude." Classic Stewie
I love the 80s sci fi music they use here. autumnwind
I love the 80s sci fi music they use here.
You’d think Stevie would add upgrades to his tyke jdivund
You’d think Stevie would add upgrades to his tyke
Peter scanning Lois saying she’s jobless is hilarious 😂😂 youhatetoseeit
Peter scanning Lois saying she’s jobless is hilarious 😂😂
This effectively mixed T1 and the Jon Connors T2 chase, but with the T1 Terminator chasing instead of the T1000. michaeldodd
This effectively mixed T1 and the Jon Connors T2 chase, but with the T1 Terminator chasing instead of the T1000.
The 80s midi music is the icing on the cake dimmacommunication
The 80s midi music is the icing on the cake
“Terminator Peter tosses joe in the trash” would’ve been funnier as the title lmao Angel-fuec
“Terminator Peter tosses joe in the trash” would’ve been funnier as the title lmao