Why I Left Tradovate

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3. I recommend the $150,000 account on apex.

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📉Risk Disclosure: Futures and crypto trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Hypothetical Performance Disclosure: Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.
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This too: Effective March 1st, existing accounts that do not place a trade in the preceding 90 days will be accessed a $25 fee for maintenance.


So glad I saw this! I was about to fund my tradovate account!


I'm in the same boat. I have been with Tradovate for years and now leaving because of the Ninja Trader acquisition effects. Rock on Man I started researching Edge Clear as well!


So from what I’ve gathered:
Brokers: AMP and Edgeclear
Platforms: Quantower and Sierra Charts
Need 1 broker and 1 trading platform
Unlike Tradovate that was a broker that had its own trading platform. Anything im missing? (6 months trading)


Your overall honesty and straightforwardness is why I love this channel! I also really like that you are able to mention how something potentially good can come out of such a bad experience with Tradovate live going down. Thanks Matt!


Dude you changed my trading game. 46% to 66% win rate. Life changing
The cumulative delta is a game changer once you master it


thanks for helping be such an objective guide for those who arent so in touch with this landscape yet. much appreciated!!


I got ahold of customer service, was very calm, and they were SO rude!! I was astounded bc I am used to TOS and Webull amazing customer service.


New to Futures...and had issues even setting up, was going to try then Tradovate that is merging...eeeeh THANK YOU for the advice. Please do a futures beginning tutorial that includes complete set up of YOUR best choice for new Future traders.


This is the way, happy to see you moving away from Tradovate! The NT buyout was ultimately their demise!


thank you brother. I just watched your tradovate setup tutorial and got all the screens set up perfectly like you had then I saw this video lol. So much that. Gonna use Quantower now. Thanks man


Thanks Matt as always, sharing your honest thought and your sight with us. Many people here following know that you didn’t have to do this but you are doing us so much favor in order grow the healthy successful trading community. Thank you again Matt 🙏🏻


NT ran flawlessly during these Tradovate episodes because NT runs on my machine. I have always tried to stay away from web based or cloud based trading platforms as sooner or later it will let you down. 1. There are security and privacy issues inherent to cloud based platforms. 2. There will always be some form of latency issue with a cloud based platform. 3. Probably the biggest reason to stay away from cloud based trading platforms is that when a big news event occurs, the servers just cannot handle the increase in internet traffic for data as well as the increase in client requests. Sooner or later cloud based platforms will bite you.


What I like most about Tradovate is entering an order on the chart is so easy, just two left clicks of the mouse. It is super easy on the mobile app too. I haven't seen other platforms with such simple order entry on the chart. Have you?


Thanks Matt! Looking to start a topstep account with Quantower. One question is, do i need to set-up a quantower account first or do i just sign up to to TopStep and choose Quantower and go from there? What does this process look like? Any help will be appreciated.


If you like Sierra, you'll love ATAS. It's not cheap but way more professional en extremely reliable and lighting fast order flow data handling ( with some tweaks!) Plus the amount of volume and order data indicators is unique. Sierra is oke, but the code a mess and something from the 1990'


Anyone have any thoughts on Tradestation? Margin rates look decent and from what I’ve read the execution speed is top notch. They also don’t charge for data.


I'm definitely moving in that direction as well. Tradovate keeps having weird glitches, my DOM keeps freezing, ... this has happened in the middle of a trade several times...I have to go to a different instrument then go back, it'll just freeze, let alone it actually going down for no reason at all really several times in the past couple weeks whereas none of my other brokerages have had outages like that (TD Ameritrade TOS, and IBKR). My first futures broker... And it's like this. I'm pulling money off and gonna go somewhere else as well. Idk where else, but probably not ninja. Not gonna be trading futures in the brokerage I trade options on because it's too expensive, margin requirements are too high for me. I think Ninja trader is screwing things up pretty badly. It sucks. Part of me feels like maybe holding on a bit longer as they might get better, but tbh idk.


Thank you for your candid review. Tradovate continues to go down - they increased their commissions by $1 per transaction, that is a 63% increase, then they raised their margin requirements by 4X on IRA accounts WITHOUT ANY PRIOR NOTICE!! I am leaving Tradovate too.


this video is old but the fee is not just vwap, order flow, look at the commissions for micros .09. I use TOS for charting anyway. use the cloudbased Tradovate DOM for executions on prop firm trading.
