Zooming in on the black hole and jet of Messier 87

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This zoom video starts with a view of ALMA and zooms in on the heart of the M87 galaxy, showing successively more detailed observations. The final image shows the shadow of the black hole and a powerful jet expelled from it, together for the first time in the same image. The observations were obtained with telescopes from the Global Millimetre VLBI Array (GMVA), ALMA, of which ESO is a partner, and the Greenland Telescope.

ESO/L. Calçada, Digitized Sky Survey 2, ESA/Hubble, RadioAstron, De Gasperin et al., Kim et al., R. Lu and E. Ros (GMVA), S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF)

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Nice to see how the scientist seeking the way to improve the quality of "image" of M87* after capturing it's first image in 2019.

Perhaps "capturing an image" could little bit misleading & more accurate to "listening", since the final image was produced by radio telescope & not the optical telescope.


Incrível...como é que um monstro nos pode ...fascinar tanto?!


This is of course the area sky richest in Messier and NGC galaxies. There are perhaps a dozen of them visible at various timeframes here. The brightest are M87, of course, and M84 and M86 to the right forming the "eyes" of the "face". There are so many of them visible here that there is no point in pointing them all out.


Do want to use your EHT Telescope to capture the Sombrero Galaxy Black Hole Andromeda A*


This promobis amazing, but not too realistic
