What Is The Purpose Of Water Baptism?

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What is the purpose of water baptism? Water baptism helps you identify with
Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Baptism the word, in Greek, is
baptizo which means immersion. I know sometimes people sprinkle, and
sometimes a child might only be eight or nine months old and they would do
it that way. To me, that's not right because a person should know and
understand what they're doing when they get baptized in water. Because what
you're doing is you're standing above water, and then you're identifying
yourself as to who you are right now. Then, you're going underneath. You're
dying to self, and then you come back up in resurrection and newness of
life. So, it helps you identify with Christ's death, burial, and
resurrection. That's what water baptism does.

Does it save you? No, no. Some people say that, well, you're not saved
until you're baptized in water. No, no, no you're not. The baptism that
saves you is the salvation by the blood of Jesus when you're baptized into
the body of Christ. That means immersed into the body of Christ. Then,
you're saved. Water baptism does not save you. It's only a type and shadow,
it has a significance to it, but it identifies you with Christ's death,
burial, and resurrection. That's what it does.

Before Jesus came, before we entered into this dispensation, people would
follow John's baptism saying that when Christ comes we're going to follow
him, but those who rejected Moses' law on the testimony of two or three
witnesses would die without mercy. So, those who were following John were
saying. "Hey, when Jesus comes, we're not with Moses' law anymore. We're
not following John anymore. We're going to follow Jesus." So, they were
saying, "Hey, I'm going to die to self. I'm going to go underneath. It'll
be buried. Then, I'm going to come back in resurrection of newness of life.
That's what it signifies. So, it's something to proclaim to everybody, and
you should understand what you're doing.

Parents can baptize their kids but the child, doesn't know. I was baptized
at age ten. I didn't know what happened. I needed to get baptized again in
my adult age when I knew what was going on, when I understood salvation.
So, that's what it is. I know some might be saying, "Well, what about the
scripture and Peter talking about Noah and baptism." Water baptism does not
save you. No. The blood of Jesus is what saves you. There was a man hung on
Calvary's cross with Jesus, and he said, one said, "Lord remember me when
you come into your kingdom." And Jesus said, "Today, you will be with me in
paradise," and he never got baptized.

You don't have to be water baptized to be saved, but it helps you identify
with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. That's what you're doing.
You're signifying something to the whole world. You're saying, "Hey, I'm
saved and I'm identifying with Christ. No longer of the world. No longer of
Moses' law. That's what this is all about. So, you want to be water
baptized, and tell a friend. Bring your loved ones. Bring them all to let
them see you do it, identify with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.
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Orean Brown, thank you, I love your explanation. Thank you!


FINALLY a message of water baptism that makes sense!!! Thank you brother.


Con't you never addressed 1 Peter 3:20-21. What does it mean? Why can't I find one example of Christians asking Jesus to come into their heart, or repeating a pray after some man or women and got their sins washed away. The Apostle Luke shows us in the book of Acts that baptism is essential for salvation, Act 2, 8, 9, 10, 16, 19, 22 please explain


Sir the problem with your argument is that there is no scripture that states that baptism is just an symbol. The thief on the cross was saved under moses dispensation. Christ didn't give the command to be baptized unitl after he died, rose up and walked the earth for 40 days (Mark 16:16). Furthermore will living Chirst had the ability to forgive sin Luke 5:20. Roman 6:1-6 we are baptized into his death, how could the thief be required to be baptized like us today when Christ wasnt died yet?


There is one baptism that matters. The baptism "INTO" Christ. Gal. 3:27...Rom 6:3. You have apparently misunderstood that there are several types of baptisms listed in the canon. In each instance you have to know through the context which one is being referred to. You seem sensable and sincere, I would be glad debate you on this subject if time permits. Email me your address.


No bible verses...0..o

This is still so confusing to me. I studied the bibel years ago, understood that I was a sinner, ended to repent of my sins = start walking with christ and get "baptised for the remission of sins" according to Acts 2:38.

I know I 100% do not believe in infant baptism. But, some teach that baptism is acquired for salvation, some don't (including Chuck Missler), but only trusting in Christ saves you = FAITH, understanding and receiving the GIFT from God (Rom 6:23).

I am a believer, read my bible often and pray, trying to grow closer to God.
I am still confused.
Water Baptism, Holy Spirit baptism... Why can it not be clearer in scripture ???


Who in the early Church professed what you profess: that baptism doesn't save you (not regenerative) ?

When did someone first say: baptism doesn't save you, it's symbolic only?

Scripture is explicit, comparing Baptism to the saving water of the flood.

*_21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, _* ( 1 Pet 3:21)

Just some quotes from the early Church. Note, that because baptism is salvific - receiving sanctifying grace - that's why the apostles taught infants should be baptized.

“The Church received from the Apostles the tradition of giving Baptism even to infants. For the Apostles, to whom were committed the secrets of divine mysteries, knew that there is in everyone the innate stains of sins, which must be washed away through water and the Spirit.” Origen, Commentary on Romans, 5:9 (A.D. 244).

It's a sacrament (visible sign instituted by Christ to give us Grace) where one is sanctified, regenerated, "born again."

“[W]hen they come to us and to the Church which is one, ought to be baptized, for the reason that it is a small matter to ‘lay hands on them that they may receive the Holy Ghost, ’ unless they receive also the baptism of the Church. For then finally can they be fully sanctified, and be the sons of God, if they be born of each sacrament; since it is written, ‘Except a man be born again of water, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’…[O]nly baptism of the holy Church, by divine regeneration, for the kingdom of God, may be born of both sacraments, because it is written, ‘Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.'” Cyprian, To Stephen, 71:72 (A.D. 253).

“And in what way are we saved? Plainly because we were regenerate through the grace given in our baptism.” Basil, On the Spirit, 10:26 (A.D. 375).


Mark 16:16 Jesus commands, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved. But He that believes not shall be condemned.

Now in this one verse Jesus tells us how to be saved and also how to be condemned. Which one should we choose? The first part, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved. Or the second part, but he who believes not shall be condemned.

I'll tell you that for me, I chose the first part. Peter a few days later taught the exact same command Jesus taught in Mark 16:16 in Act 2:38 when he told the Jews when they asked, what shall we do? Peter told these now believing Jews to Repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

So again, anyone who comes to believe in Jesus as their savior and wants their sins forgiven, what should they do according to Jesus and Peter? I believe it is very obvious to those who can read simple English. Don't you?

Every where in the New Testament where people are wishing to have their sins forgiven and be saved they are submitting to baptism in order to do that.

No one in the New Testament ever said the sinners prayer to have their sins forgiven and to be saved. I know because I’ve searched for an example and it is not there.


Jesus was baptized as an adult, because he was under the law like every body else at that time, and Jesus said let it be so now (present tense),  it is proper and to fulfill ALL righteousness (Matthew 3:13-15) weather it was absolutely necessary for him, is another question entirely . His disciples asked him about it, and he told them, that no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless born of the water and the of the spirit (John 3:5) keep in mind, he was still alive, hence the law was alive. Once Jesus had died, so did the law,  and when he rose again,  so did the new covenant and it was then that Gods will for saving mankind was fulfilled. As we are now no longer under the law, we have no need to be baptized as I understand it and as proclaimed in (Acts1:5) For John baptized with water, but in a few days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit. I think people make a common assumption that if Jesus said it, then it is set in stone, not taking into consideration that he was still alive and so was the law and therefore what was written about "only having to be born of the spirit" had not yet come to pass. Everything was,  and still is being done in stages, eg, Revelation. However, you can be baptized as a public proclamation that you are one of Gods children, and profess to be born again. As Christians or Believers, the old things have passed away, and we are a new creation, through the Grace of God and the Blood of the Lamb. I hope this has shed some understanding on this topic and by the way,   the only things that were set in stone, were the Ten Commandments. God bless


Sir you are a deceiver:

Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." John 3:3.

How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Can he enter his mother’s womb a second time to be born?” 5Jesus answered “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. John 3: 5

Michael Barnett
