ITARO | Interval Management to Improve Operational Efficiency and Reducing Environmental Footprint

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As part of SESAR3 JU project ITARO, flight trials have been performed at Groningen Airport Eelde involving Royal NLR and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) research aircraft. In the flight trial, the Interval Management capability on fixed routes with continuous descent operation have been successfully demonstrated.

At lower altitudes, the environmental footprint can be reduced by using fixed routes for departures and arrivals, combined with continuous climbs and continuous descents along those routes. However with high traffic demand, additional buffers for inter-aircraft spacing have to be considered. Maintaining the required peak-hour capacity then becomes a bottleneck. The Interval Management system, jointly developed with Honeywell Inc (USA), enables to very precisely control the spacing with a lead aircraft, reducing the need for large inter-aircraft spacing buffers, and thus overcoming the aspect of peak-hour capacity reduction.

The SESAR3JU PJ.37 Integrated TMA, Airport and Runway Operations (ITARO) project is demonstrating several solutions in the TMA environment that improve efficiency both operationally as well as environmentally.

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